07 July 2018
Saturday 07 July 2018
12noon - 5.30pm
In and around Argyle Parade
OL10 3RY
Darnhill Festival 2018 takes place Saturday 7 July in and around Argyle Parade.
This is the 15th consecutive summer festival organised by Cartwheel Arts on behalf of Darnhill Festival Association.
The theme for this year’s festival is The Natural Festival and there will be plenty of nature based activities, and amazing contraptions and carnival costumes.
The procession will set off at 12 noon from Argyle Parade led by Handmade Samba and will be followed by a full programme of entertainment and activities for all ages. Watch out for Plungeboom Theatre’s Vegetable Nannies and an allotment like no other! The Wonky Church Fete will be running a vegetable tombola and fruit bingo to help you get your 5 a day. And be sure to take a trip in the Natural Rickshaw.
Skylight Circus Arts will be bringing their trapeze rig, and if you really have a head for heights check out the climbing wall. Other physical activities include inflatables and multi sport activity sessions on the kickpitch. Once again Music Street are programming the main stage with a variety of music and dance, and Roch Valley Radio bring their roadshow for the first time.
There will be three arts marquees with 20 artists and a whole host of free creative activities. Come and join the audience for Darnhill TV in the Aspire marquee.
In the Art for Wellbeing marquee The Owl and Coconut will be pebble painting – Kindness Rocks. In the Art and Craft marquee near the kickpitch Professor Jigget will be concocting strange natural potions. The community garden will have had a makeover thanks to Petrus project and City of Trees, and outside the garden NatureEd will be making clay pendants while Tally Linseed block prints flags and bunting.
There will be more stalls than ever before, ranging from tombolas to henna painting. Something for everyone!
For further information or to book interview with artists, performers or programmers contact: Cartwheel Arts at 01706 361300 or darnhillfestival@gmail.com
Entry fee: Free
Contact: Cartwheel Arts
01706 361300
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