
Local Events

St Andrew's, Dearnley celebrate St George's Night

22 April 2017

Saturday 22 April 2017
6.30pm for a 7.00pm start

Saint Andrew Church, Dearnley
Arm Road
OL15 8NJ


The ever-popular Wardle Anderson Band will make it's annual appearance at St Andrew's, Church, Dearnley on Saturday, 22 April, to celebrate St George's Night. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7pm start.

Tickets at £10 include potato pie supper by Lord's the Caterers of Whitworth. A pay bar will be available in the parish room.

You can pay on the door, but to aid catering arrangements it is preferable to obtain tickets, or at least make your interest known, by contacting Ada on 07854 703 426 or on 01706 536143.

Entry fee: Tickets £10.00 includes potato pie supper

Contact: Ada
07854 703 426 or 01706 536143

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