
Local Events

UKIM Madina Mosque Open Day

05 February 2017

Sunday 05 February 2017

Madina Mosque
20 Church Road
OL16 5PU


UKIM Madina Mosque (Rochdale) are proud to announce that we will be taking part in the 2017 ‘#VisitMyMosque Day’ on Sunday 5th Feb from 12pm-4pm.

#VisitMyMosque Day is a national initiative facilitated by the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), where Mosques across the UK organise open days, inviting in their neighbours and other communities for an insight into the day-to-day goings on of a Muslim centre of worship, and tea and biscuits of course!

#VisitMyMosque Day provides an opportunity for people from all faiths (or no faith), cultures and diverse backgrounds to:

  • get a first-hand look at the day-to-day workings of a Mosque
  • see our Food Hub Set Up (we are catering for those in need) • meet and interact with Muslims
  • see our exhibition on Islam
  • ask questions about one of the three Abrahamic faiths
  • learn about mainstream Islam and discuss current issues
  • help break down the barriers of ignorance and misunderstanding
  • help in us all playing our part in promoting understanding, peace and harmony throughout Rochdale’s communities
  • experience our hospitality

‘We look forward to hosting the people of Rochdale as they visit us to learn more about a community that has been part of the town for over 30 years. We take community cohesion matters seriously and are known for being a proactive Mosque. We are more than willing to help both educate and learn from our fellow Rochdalians’. Amir Zia, Branch President.

Entry fee: Free

Contact: Amir Zia
01706 656911

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