KDC Managed Account Service
Our Managed Accounts Service takes the stress out of using direct payments by carrying out all of the financial transactions on your behalf. We use accredited systems and processes and all our staff are trained and experienced.
We will receive the money for your personal budget directly from the Council into a dedicated, secure bank account in your name.
We will pay wages due to your personal assistants, care agency invoices, tax and national insurance and any other bills.
We will keep records and deal with the Local Authority’s reporting requirements.
To get a Managed Account from KDC, you can fill in the online form here or simply telephone 0151 480 8773 and ask to speak to Colette or Andy alternatively email managedaccounts@kdc.org.uk
If you need to advertise for a PA then you can use KDC’s free online PA Finder this is a self-managed resource we have provided for individual employers looking for PAs and PAs looking for work to connect.
If you employ a Personal Assistant we also provide a payroll service for individual employers for more information visit www.yourpayroll.org.uk
In our latest customer satisfaction survey (Jan 2017)
98% of customers surveyed rated the Managed Account Service as ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’.
Our customers said:
"Thank you for all your help and support, I really appreciate the fact that you never make me feel silly for asking questions no matter how simple they are" - Ray
KDC is a Disability Confident Employer and we value our Investors in People status. We are proud of our Star Standard Foundation award for the quality of our services and systems.