The Patients Council


As we have matured we have become more professional in the way we work. We are always looking for ways/idea’s of improving the way we engage with health care professionals and therefore we have developed a few services which we have detailed below.

If you have any suggestions on ways in which you feel we can help improve the relationship/partnership between patients, carers and health care professionals please forward such ideas to Dave Sweeney who is responsible for our service development section.

Patient Focused Proof Reading

We have therefore set up a patient focused proof reading service which allows health care providers together with voluntary organisations to have their documents reviewed by the Patients’ Council. If all Patients’ Council recommendations are incorporated we allow the document to display the Patients’ Council easy read logo.

We have a wide range of readers with mixed experience between them and all readers are patients/carers with over 70 years experience between them.

Patient Surveys

Over the years we have learned and witnessed just how hard the NHS and local health care providers work to obtain patients views.

This is why we have developed a service where we design and hold patient meetings, focus groups and patient focused surveys to obtain peoples concerns and more importantly what people wish for from their local health care providers.

Contact Information

The Patients Council

Tel: 0161 766 9323