Current Classes and Workshops
Current Timetable of Activities:
£2.00 per session includes refreshment
12noon - Creative Crafts for over 55's
We try all sorts of new crafts in our group from bead working to paperart, from candlemaking to jewellery making
Learn Tool usage, working with different materials, Art & Design.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Centre used for Private Sessions
Thursday 7pm - 9pm Social Lounge & Karaoke Disco (SEND Activity) Adults (please cal to book)
10am Textile & Sewing Crafts
10am - 12 Women in Business Networking. Booking required
Green Weekends on Falinge Park
10am Dusty Toolbox Club - Toolbox Heroes
10am Training Kitchen Workshops (free)
10.30am Upcycling Sessions
10am Community Litterpicking (free)
Gardening (free)
The Potting Shed (free)
S.E.N.D Music Project (free)
Every Sarurday we will be holding informal open consultation sessions from 11am - feel free to drop by and give us your views!
By Appointment
Community Group Support
Community & Social Enterprise Support
Community Event Management Training
Career Development & Training Support
If you have any questions or would like to express an interest in any of these sessions please contact our office number or message us
on facebook
on twitter: @Falingehub