St Thomas's Afternoon Tea Dance


Social event with popular modern sequence and old time dancing to raise money for church funds.

Wednesday 1pm-3pm - Tea Dance at Kirkholt Community Church, corner of Daventry Road and Rhodes Crescent, Kirkholt

For more information, please contact the Drop In Centre, Kirkholt, between 9.00am and 5 .00pm Monday - Friday.

Young at Heart
A group run by a committee of volunteers to provide activities which promote health and social contact for older people.

Membership costs £5.00 per annum, and actiivites cost £1.00 for members and £1.50 for non members.

Current Activites:

Monday am- 10.30-11:30 Dance Group with a teacher at the Community Centre, The Strand Kirkholt

Monday pm- 2pm-4pm Indoor Bowling at St Thomas's Church, Gainsborough Drive, Kirkholt

Tuesday am-10.30am-11.30am Young at Heart Singers- TRAK office The Strand Kirkholt

Wednesday am 10.30am-11.30am- Gentle exercise to music followed by refreshments at the Community Centre, The Strand, Kirkholt

Wednesday pm 1pm-3pm- Tea Dance at Kirkholt Community Church, corner of Daventry Road and Rhodes Crescent, Kirkholt

For Futher information or other activities which may be of interest contact the Drop in Centre on 01706 651425

Contact Information

St Thomas's Afternoon Tea Dance

Kirkholt Community Church
corner of Daventry Road
OL11 2HZ

Tel: 01706 536199

Where we are

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