St.Gabriels and St. Johns Impact group


What is Impact?

Impact is a worldwide organisation made up of young people between the ages of 13 and 17 years. It is organised at a local level in small groups which meet together regularly to share their issues and plan action on a local/national level - or even across the world. It's programme and actions are decided and organised by young people themselves.

Why do young people come to impact?

It's a chance to meet nice people to make new friends, socialise, discuss issues and have fun.

What is best about impact?

An informal approach to all subjects. The revalation of young ideas and finding ways of reacting to world/local and parish issues and to have fun and give help and support young people.

What have we done in our Impact Group?

discussed issues such as faith, money enviroment, family, friends and how they affect us. We have been gardening, Ten Pin Bowling, had film nights, BBQ's, walking, karaoke, raised money for petrus - and much more.

Good Ideas for the future;

More personal prayers; let 1 or 2 create a meeting for group exercise each month. Get more involved in helping people in Rochdale. Raise money for good casuses. Enjoy more walks to go to the cinema, possibly visit Alton Towers - maybe go on a laser quest outing.

Contact Information

St.Gabriels and St. Johns Impact group

St. Gabriel's Presbytery
Smalley Street

Tel: 01706 631973