St Andrew's (Methodist & United Reformed) Church



Rev Ruth Jackson     Tel:  01706 551686


Church Secretary
Vivienne Riley        Tel:  01706 647225


Service Times

Every Sunday 10.30am Sunday Worship.
Holy Communion is celebrated each month

Description of Church
St. Andrew's is situated in Entwisle Road near to the corner of Molesworth Street, and between the Aldi Store and Rochdale Leisure Centre.   The church is a modern accessible building with a church hall available for community use.

To arrange baptisms, weddings or funerals, please contact the Church Secretary.

St Andrew's is a Fairtrade church.

St. Andrew's is a Local Ecumenical Partnership bringing together Methodist and United Reformed traditions in a single congregation. We seek to serve the people of Rochdale by living up to the commitment we made in the covenant which brought these traditions together.

We covenant to work, worship and witness as one congregation under the name of St. Andrew's (Methodist and United Reformed) Church, Rochdale. We offer ourselves to the whole Christian Community and to the people of Rochdale as a church where people of different traditions can come together to celebrate God's love in worship, discipleship and service. We gather together to worship and serve God and to hear and proclaim the good news of God's Reign.

To discover anew the stories of faith and be fired by the eternal Word. To draw on the inspiration of a diverse heritage and to be encouraged by the life-changing Spirit. To discern God's call upon ourselves, our community and our traditions whilst exploring ways in which that call can be answered; and be challenged, inspired and guided by the living Christ.

We seek to be a fellowship of service and mission; a source of friendship and nurture; a harbour of shelter and sanctuary; a fountain of joyfulness and welcome; a journey of debate and exploration; a spring of tolerance and tenacity; a body intolerant of discrimination and prejudice; a flow of justice and righteousness; a community of faith and love; a well of forgiveness and repentance; a people at prayer; Pilgrims of God.

By the grace of God, we offer ourselves, to be used in the transformation of broken lives, in the pursuit of righteousness and in the search for a unity which is open, inclusive, radical and evangelical.

Regular Activities 
Mondays    Rainbows and Brownies
Tuesdays 10.00am - 11.30am Coffee Shop
A meeting place, bric a brac stall and the church sanctuary open for quiet prayer.

Contact Information

St Andrews Church - Local Ecumenical Partnership

Entwisle Road
OL16 2HZ

Tel: 01706 648779

Meeting times


Where we are

(click to zoom)