The Parish of St. Gabriel & All the Angels with St. John the Baptist


Childrens' Champions

This group was set up to raise funds for the children attending St. Gabriel's School and to support events such as the Panto.  

St Gabriel’s ADMS

We hold cabaret productions twice a year. Our Panto with our young cast is held in February half term.

For information on how to get involved, or to come along to one of our shows, please contact Tommy Ingham  after 11am Sunday Mass St. Gabriel's.


Contact Information

Saint Gabriel & the Angels Catholic Church

Smalley Street
OL11 3EB

Tel: 01706 631973

Meeting times

Services for the w/c Monday 10th March:


Fr. Michael is away this week. Eucharistic Services will be held in place of the regular Masses


Monday & Thursday: 10.00am @ St. John's


Tuesday & Friday: 9.15am @                   St. Gabriel's



Saturday: 12noon @ St. John's

No Confessions this week



9.15am @ St. John's 

11.00am @               St. Gabriel's



Sunday 3pm @             St. John's

Friday 6pm @             St. Gabriel's





Baptisms by appointment: please liaise with Fr. Michael

Weddings by appointment: a minimum of six months notice is required


Parish Office:

40 Smalley Street, Castleton,  OL11 3EB

Tel: 01706 631973 and leave a message

Where we are

(click to zoom)