Information for Members
AGM Held 4th April 2024 with 17 attendees:
Chairmans Report: We remembered our members Ken Duxbury, Irene Yates, Bernard Brown and Mike Atkin who passed away this last year. Harry wished to thank all those who have helped with the club events during the year. We have welcomed 9 new members to the club this year. Proposed Ann, Seconded Val.
Treasurers Report: We have been down on subcscriptions in the last year. The treasurers report was reviewed in detail. Noting the costs of doing shows this year (Coal, gas, food, banners) was the highest spend. Overall the club funds have reduced by @£140 over the year. Proposed: Barry, Seconded Val.
Election of Officers: Chairman: Harry Hilton, Treasurer: Bob Hodges. Proposed:Ann, Seconded: Derek.
See Events page for meeting details
Chairman - Harry Hilton
Treasurer and Memberships - Bob Hodges