Rochdale Underwater Hockey Club

May 2015 Newsplash

The 2015 Junior National Tournaments are being held on July 11th in Plymouth.  Start time will be approximately 2:30pm to 8:00pm

The age groups are as follows, based on date of birth as at 1/9/2014

Under 12s  year 7 and under

Under 14s year 8 and 9

Under 16s  year 10 and 11

Under 19s  whatever comes after year 11!!

I mailed out earlier in the year and had very few positive responses, I know there are a lot of school trips and activities going on.  I doubt that we will be able to enter a Rochdale team in any age group, however I would hope to be able to find places for all who want to play on other teams.

Please let me know if you would like to play at the Nationals and if you would be interested in car sharing.

Finally, if you have not already done so, please like the club’s Facebook page, and share it with your friends and relatives,






Contact Information

Rochdale Underwater Hockey Club

Oulder Hill Leisure Complex
Hudsons Walk
OL11 5EF

Tel: 01706 373967

Meeting times

Thursdays 7:30 to 8:30pm

Minimum age 8

Where we are

(click to zoom)