Rochdale Philatelic Society

March 2025 Club Meeting notes

Rochdale Philatelic Society Club Meeting 11th March 2025 Press Release


Our member Pete Best gave a talk primarily on armed forces covers from Malta in the period of WW1 and WW2


Postal history at this time was dominated by the rich variety of letters generated by the armies, navies, and air forces of Britain and France.


Most post, including civilian had to run the gauntlet of censorship. Particularly armed services personnel, prisoners of war, hospitals and convalescent facilities for war casualties.


Pete displayed many samples of covers showing a fascinating variety of official censorship hand stamps under the headings of :-



New members are always welcome at our meetings, which are held at the Rochdale Unitarian Church on the second Tuesday of each month at 7.30 pm.




Contact Information

Rochdale Philatelic Society

Unitarian Chapel
Clover Street
OL12 6TP

Mobile: 07939 117 095

Where we are

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