Rochdale Pensioners' Association

Summer Lunch 2018

Summer Lunch 2018

Members met in the Town Hall for their Summer Lunch on the 27th June.  The members hosted and enjoyed the company of Councillor Mohammed Zaman, the Mayor of Rochdale, Cllr. Billy Sheerin Deputy Mayor of Rochdale Cllr Allen Brett Leader of the Council and Vera Hirst former Chairperson of Age UK Rochdale. The entertainment was provided by Paul who entertained us with music and songs from the late 50s and early 60s. Thanks go to Josie for organising the meal, Emily for organising the entertainment, Jean for dealing with the finances and Kath for arranging the prizes. A special thanks goes to the Town Hall catering staff for such a lovely meal and to Claudette for providing photographic coverage. Members held a collection which was presented to Cllr Zaman for his Mayor’s charities.

The Menu

Fresh Melon with mixed berries & raspberry coulis


Oven Roasted Chicken & Bacon Salad

Mixed lettuce leaves, watercress, warm sliced chicken, cherry tomatoes

 cucumber, red onions and cool sour cream with chive dressing.

****   or   ****

Poached Fresh Salmon Salad

Mixed salad leaves, watercress, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion,

red & yellow peppers with croutons and vinaigrette dressing.


Both salads served with hot new potatoes

Crusty granary French bread and butter.



Salad, Grilled Goats Cheese with the above.



Strawberry Gateaux served with fresh cream.


Individual cheese and biscuits plate with grapes and celery sticks.


Fresh filter coffee & Tea



Contact Information

Rochdale Pensioners' Association

Tel: 01706 660796

Meeting times

Next Meeting

The Annual General Meeting. 

Will be held on Wednesday 26th of February 2025 at 2 pm. The meetings will be held at Riverside One.