Rochdale Pensioners' Association

Photogtaphs & Member's Notice Board

A samll collection of photographs of members having fun over the years.

Members who wish to contribute to the notice board with snaps, write ups or any form of info or chit-chat please Email your stuff to :-

Please note:-

To view the photographs use the left and right arrows on your keyboard after selection. 

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DVD of Cairngorm Scotland Holiday Nov 2015.

An amateur DVD or CD is available on request from Claudette 01706 642934. Almost 200 photographs of a memorable holiday. Request a £1 donation for Breast Cancer.

Follow up:-

Claudette informed the members at the Febuary meeting that £25  was raised by the sale of the DVDs which was donated to the Brest Cancer Charity.

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Chris suggests:-

It might  be helpful to ask  members to suggest/request topics/speakers for future meetings.

At the January meeting Emily (social secretary) invited any member who is interested in inviting a speaker to talk on a subject to contact her. Note no fee will be paid.

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Members party at the Town Hall

Claudette writes:-

On Wednesday 24th June Members of Rochdale Pensioners' Association were joined by Mayor Cllr. Surinder Biant and Mayoress Cecile Biant for a lunch at Rochdale Town Hall. Chairperson Wendy Mottley also welcomed past Mayor  Peter Rush, Vera Hurst Age UK, and Cllr Billie Shearin.

Entertainment in song was provided by John Alexander, Rochdale's local jeweller. John not only donated his fee to The Mayor’s charity but generously donated a £250 token for the winner of the interval bingo to buy jewellery at his shop in Rochdale. Member Gail was delighted to receive her voucher. The afternoon of good food, good company and good entertainment was enjoyed by everyone.

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Rochdale Over 55s Day.

Friday 14th August 2015

10am to 2pm at Touchstones Free entry.

Events :-

Line dancing, Arts and crafts, Reminiscence Sessions, A Singer, Boccia Bowling and Armchair excercises.


Food health, Free short seminars, Women's Institute, Link 4 Life, and a Local MP Surgery

Contact Jane for more information on 07983564893

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Procedure for booking seats for the coach outings:-

  1. Places will be booked in advance at the members meetings and paid for in advance.

  2. Receipts will be given showing that the payment is non refundable. (Due to the money being paid for the coach in advance.)

  3. In the event of one member booking for another member payment must be paid at the time of booking.

  4. In the event of a member who has booked and is no longer able to travel, that member should contact The Social Secretary ( Emily Bannister) to ascertain if the coach is full with a waiting list. If so Emily will delegate the resale of the seat.

  5. People on the waiting list to become a member may join the coach outings at an extra charge of £2.00

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Contact Information

Rochdale Pensioners' Association

Tel: 01706 660796

Meeting times

Next Meeting

The Annual General Meeting. 

Will be held on Wednesday 26th of February 2025 at 2 pm. The meetings will be held at Riverside One.