Rochdale Pensioners' Association

Christmas Lunch 2022

Christmas Lunch 2022

On Friday 9th December Rochdale Pensioners Christmas Party was held at the Masonic Hall Rochdale. Chairman Phill Bethell and members were pleased to welcome guests Vera Hurst, Honorary Member, and Mayor Ali Ahmed with Councillors Janet Emsley, Billy Sheerin, Ashley Dearnley and John Taylor.

The afternoon was enjoyed by all. Each member was given a raffle ticket and there were many prizes. A game of bingo was played and the Mayor gave the Loyal Toast to His Majesty The King.  Thanks to Josie for arranging the party, Ann and Anne for providing the raffle prizes from the leftover tombola, Claudette for the photographs, and not forgetting Emily for being the Master of ceremonies. 

Contact Information

Rochdale Pensioners' Association

Tel: 01706 660796

Meeting times

Next Meeting

The Annual General Meeting. 

Will be held on Wednesday 26th of February 2025 at 2 pm. The meetings will be held at Riverside One.