Rochdale Fairtrade Forum

What is FT?

What is Fairtrade?

Look at the Fairtrade Mark - it says ‘Guarantees a better deal for Third World Producers’. That is exactly what it does. The Fairtrade Mark is a guarantee that the produce you are buying has been fairly traded eg. the price paid to the producer covers the full costs of production and living expenses as well as including a social premium. It is not charity - it’s a fair and sustainable way of doing business.


Sales of products that carry the Fairtrade Mark continue to rise by over 40% every year (source: Fairtrade Foundation)

Awareness of Fairtrade continues to rise.  In 2005, there was 50% recognition & 51% understanding of the FAIRTRADE Mark among the UK public (Source: MORI poll)

There are now over two thousand Fairtrade prodcuts on offer from delicious chocolates and sophisticated wines, to speciality coffees and stylish clothing, there's something to suit all tastes. (Source: Fairtrade Foundation)

The British public drink over 3 million cups of Fairtrade hot drinks and munch their way through 1/2 million Fairtrade bananas every day. (source: Fairtrade Foundation)

How does it work?

Why should you support Fairtrade?

Contact Information

Rochdale Fairtrade Forum

Mobile: 07545 429 146