Rais Academy exists to advance the education of the public in the understanding and appreciation of Asian arts and culture and deliver strategic objectives to develop communities and using the arts based activities to encourage participants to explore issues in their lives. 50% of the committee is service users and Disabled people.
- We offer a wide range of workshop programmes in arts and literature.
- Help local artists to exhibit and publish work in all art forms.
- Provide training to small groups.
- Foster understanding and integration between Asian and mainstream communities.
- Work with different groups in partnership to develop projects towards positive image.
- We also publish two quarterly BI-lingual magazines for elderly and mental health service users.
- We always have consultancy meetings with the user group in regards of appropriate artform, venue, language on publicity material, date and time of any event or workshop.
- Two members from user group involved in running and evaluation.
- Steering group manages most of our projects and the representation of user group is 50%.