Name: Rosa Kovalevich née Saplywyj March 2025.
I started my nurse training 21 April 1975 and wondered if there are any documents/photographs around that time.
Many thanks
Name Susan Howard. August 2024 Email:
Susan is still seeking a photograph of her cadet intake group. Please see photos in the gallery for her message.
Name: Bernie brencher. March 2024.
Does any one have any contact with Beryl Sterland / Ashworth when she was training as a student nurse .And Christine Holden who were both student nurses in 1965 -1968 period.I would love to hear from either of these old colleagues of mine ..E56
Name: Chris Doyle February 2014.
Just looking at the Archive site.
I trained 1969 to 1971 RMN and 1971 to 1974 RGN
Bill Friend, Pauline Carr, Christine White, Bernard T..
Peter Ling, George Iyankis ?
The Whole Kilroy Family Brass Band mad.
Does anyone remember me?
Chris Doyle
Name: Susan Howard October 2023.
Hi. I started as Cadet Nurse in September 1974. My maiden name was Mien.Im still working at Oldham and planning retirement next July after 50yrs in the NHS.
I would love a photograph of myself and the group from my cadet years 1974 until 1976.
Thank you.
Regarding the photo of nurses parading through Oldham and the request for infomation.
Name: Elaine Lane July 2023.
Hi- just wondering if you have any info about the
very large black and white photograph of nurses
which is on the wall of the restaurant at Royal Oldham
I think my mother in law is on it .
Many thanks
Elaine Lane
Name: John Connell March 2023.
Dear Geoff,
Not sure if you're still running this site, or it's still running!
I started my RGN training in May 1983, and still working, in OH, so coming up to 40 years soon, & wondered if any of my school (May intake) are still nursing, or how they are doing.
You may remember our dear nun friend, Sr Andrew, was a co-trainer, & went on to do great service, including with the very poor in Peru.
Trevor Jepson was our tutor, & we couldn't have had anyone better, his medical knowledge was exceptional, & always delivered with a hint & glint of mischief & naughtiness!
It would be nice to chat with Trevor, if he would like to, I hope he's in good health, I last spoke to him some 16 years ago, just before I went to Saudi Arabia, to work in OH there.
I live near the Ribble Valley now.
I look forward to your reply.
Many thanks.
Kind regards,
John (Connell)
Name: Sarah Waite October 2022.
Hello there!
I'm fairly sure my Aunt went to your school. I know that she worked with Dr Steptoe in Oldham. And as I'm going through IVF myself right now (solo), I feel really drawn to finding photos of her and the team, to feel like she's with me.
Name: Joyce Gorey (later married as Joyce Kane).
Can you help? Or guide me to the right place?________________________________________________________________________
Does anyone remember a State Enrolled Nurse Joan Lancaster who qualified in 1965 and a Joyce Danielle Clarke SRN who qualified in October 1967. Also a Trevor Evans who qualified in 1967 and Ivy Newton 1966. Finally a C Stretch 1955.
Responses via the message board please.
Name Frank Lees.
I was Oldham's first male cadet nurse. There were photos taken for the Carnival 'float', and I cannot find mine. Any chance it's in your archive? (I now live in Australia)
Name: Peter Merrifield September 2021.
Are any of the 1978 psychiatric intake still running around. I have many happy memories of Oldham and great time s at the Queen's with Dave Walmsley and Geoff Smith, great time of my life
Name: Kath James (nee Sowerby) August 2021.
I trained as an RMN 1973/1976. I would love to speak to any other ex EMU staff from that time. They were such happy days. My best friend was Brenda Higham and tutors..George, Mike Levin, Mike Strirland, John.
Name: Paul Hamilton March 2021.
This is a long shot but here goes! Back in the early to mid 80's, a very good friend of mine, Andrew Wright ( formerly Andrew Murphy) was a psychiatric nurse living in Chalmers Keddie, Oldham Hospital. We lost contact in 1986 as Andrew went to work abroad in America. I wonder if anyone knows what happened to him after that date as I have been trying to get back in contact with him to no avail. I did hear that he had died but do not know anything further. I would be really pleased if anyone who had any further information might contact me? Thanks in anticipation of your help with this matter.
Name: Paula McNeil May 2020.
Tel: 07712725144
Im trying to find information & photographs on my grandmother Dorothy Greenwood or Keane who worked at the westhulme workhouse up until 1960's.
If there's any information you could give me id really appreciate it
Name: Joan wood September 2019.
Tel: 0161 633 0683
Hi Geoff we have another oldham royal infirmary reunion it is on sat October the 19 th at the polish club chamber road from 6 pm
It is £5 on the door and what's left after expenses is going to MAGGIES its an open table so each person is asked to bring something to eat I need to know before the 10 th of October
Trevor jepson is going. Are you in touch with anyone ? Or can you suggest anyone we hope Annie frost will go Anna bisco
Are you in touch with HELEN AINSWORTH
thanks Joan wood
Name: sharon rogerson May 2018.
Hi I started my training in may 1986 exactly 32 years to the day and qualified in july 1989, initially we had Beryl Howard as our Tutor she was a great role model, then we had the joy of having Trevor Jepson he was an absolute legend. Our group was only small but I remember nearly all in my group, Julie,Rosemary, Michelle,Lesia,Joanne, Lorraine, Jane and of course Dean. It would be great to find out what you have all been up to.I am working at Manchester Royal on the Critical Care Unit and have been for the past 16 years, never thought I would leave Oldham but I have really good memories of being a student nurse.
Name: Paul Tipper April 2018.
Well guys finally retired. Got to be the clinical director both in the NHS and in the private sector I hope you are all well and happy
Name: Jameshulse January 2018.
Where is Margaret Hunt student EMU mid 60s I hope she has a good life and a wonderfull family. Jim e56d7
Name: Gabriella Zsigmond November 2017.
Dear people,
My godmother is Johnson Agnes, she is scottish.
She retired from Manchaster airport.
How can I find her?
thank you so much. ________________________________________________________________
Name: Diane Burns. July 2017
I would like to be affiliated although I was probably one of the last p2k students. We used the site at Westhulme. I wondered if there is a forum for old nurses which might help people trying to find. My Grandma was Clackers the Night Sister who worked there for years at Oldham. ____________________________________________________________________
Name:Carol Ann Pogson. May 2017.
The class of 65, where are they now? I remember the Tricketts, Jim Hulse, Frank Schofield, all the Kilroys, Mr Ling, Mike Levins, Dr Maden, Sister Worrall and Reynolds and even Maurice Irving. A few patients, especially the one who told everybody a packet of Durex for Mike Cox. 52 years ago, and finding this Website made it seem as though it was yesterday. Remember the nails and the hair? Marios best and the caps that fell in the bath regularly. It is said that the past is a country best not revisited on this occasion I will make an exception. ____________________________________________________________________
Name: Katie April 2017.
Hi, I have come across some old letters for a Miss Meghan Whitehead. who the letters are addressed to. Staff nurse M Whitehead, Nurses Home, Boundary Park, G.H. Oldham. They are some letters and photographs. They were sent in the 1950s. Does anyone remember a Miss Megham Whitehead in 1953 please email me any information. Thankyou.
Name: Patricia (Pat) Grisante nee Grant. April 2017.
Tel: 7168366704
Hi wonderful web page! I was the American girl who remembers Mrs Carter fondly. It was at this time the first test tube baby made history in Oldham. I trained in Oldham at the School of Nursing from 1975 -1978. Please anyone from my class I would love hearing from you all!
Name: Louise Bowden Email: Tel: 07788 577178 Message/Enquiry: Hi I was one of the first P2000 students at Bolton and Salford school of nursing in 1990. I am now a senior lecturer post reg nursing tutor and am doing a PhD on the memories/stories of those tutors in post just before and since 1990. I am really struggling to find archived information on the P2000 change in the northwest. Any links/contacts/photos would be very welcomed thanks _____________________________________________________________________ __
Name: Anne Pollard
Miss O. Luke, Boundry Park Municipal Hospital 1933. I have recently come across a book of lecture notes compiled by a Miss O. Luke. 1.7.1933 to March 1934. Would anyone know of any relations who may be interested in it?
Name.: Marylin Collier.
Has anyone got any pictures they can upload from the March 1980-2 SEN school. Dave Bridgehouse was our tutor. Happy happy days. This site is fantastic.
Could anyone please let Michael Hughes have a copy of the Northern College badge logo? thanks.
Name: Grace Saville. October 2016.
Hi Im wondering if you have any photos of the 1973 intake? I trained from 1973 to 1975.
I am sorry there are no pictures of this intake. Can anyone help please?
April 2016.
Name: Susan Fildes (Nee) Wood.
Just seen my Mum's photo in Gallery-Ruth Wood. Love to hear from anyone from ITC Sept 79.
On the 16th February 2016 the Oldham Evening Chronicle paid tribute to Mike Levins, ex Tutor and nurse who recently died at the age of 81.
Name: Mr Bernie Brencher
Tel: 07903321114
I was a post registration RMN student at Oldham School of Nursing in 1965/1967.One of my tutors was Anna Bitzo! (Biczo). I would like to contact any other nurses who trained with me. Christine Holden - Beryl Ashworth (Stirland) and any other nurses who remember me.
I am now aged 78 and I am fortunate to have good health. I would love to see any of my old colleagues again. Are there any reunions events where I could attend ? I live in London and remember those times when we gave First Class Care 24/7. I would love to hear from any of my old associates. Best wishes Mr Bernie Brencher.
Name: Susan Egerton
Tel: 01208269342
Hi, I trained in 1978 for RGN training, not at your hospital, but in Cornwall. I am moving over to be in Canada soon to live with my son and want to continue nursing over there, but I have to provide either transcripts or syllabus of my training. The Nursing School I attended has since closed and I cannot find out what has happened to the documents held by the school. Do you by any chance hold copies of syllabus for 1978 training for RGN's or do you know where I could get a copy. I do know that we were one of the first groups of student nurses to be undertaking the project 2000 nursing training. Hope you might be able to help me in this.
Tel: 07933456363
I am trying to locate a Dr Burns, Psychiatrist at Oldham Royal in the 80s any information would be appreciated. regards
Name: Julie M Oakes ( nee Cartwright )
hi, trying to organise a get together for September 1979 intake, as was 36 years yesterday since we first started our ITC.
Hopefully early 2016, so anyone out there who is interested, please contact me, look forward to hearing from you.
Name: Denise Thomson nee Candy
Tel: 07521066450
Hi does anyone have any old photos of a friend of mine her name is Pam Thwaite nee Wolfemden she started her EN training in July 1974. If you have and could e-mail them to me I would be really grateful many thanks.
Name: James Hulse
Emailed John.howarth we trained at emu in the mid 60s I now have 5 CDs of the tinkers my wife who is American loves them
Hope there are a few more people still around from that magic time.
Love this site bye for now Jim Vancouver b c canada
Julie Oakes (Nee Cartwright).
Hi anyone around from Sept 1979 SRN intake? Lost touch with training group after moving abroad. Tutor was Mr Valentine, have fond memories of my training, no longer working, but very happy memories of my training.
Name: Barbara Crowther ( nee Ward )
Tel: 01616787007
Hi I wonder if you could help me I was wondering if I could find a Sister McNamara a midwife from 1956, she brought me into this world and something happened recently and I would love just to say thank you to her, hope you don't mind me writing and hope you can help, if you need any more information I would only be to happy to help, thank you...
ex students requesting transcripts for working abroad. They might be obtained by accessing the following link, or alternatively they may be of assistance.
Name: Declan Lyons. October 2014.
The closure of Oldham Royal Infirmary (ORI) was a sadness for many people who had worked at the hospital for many years. There was a big family involvement for Declan as two of his sisters had worked there. Declan appoached Councillor John Battye and suggested to him that the ORI doorway which is the entrance to the new college deserved a blue plague because of the hospitals service to the town and surrounding district for 125 years.
Name: Joan wood June 2014.
Tel: 01616330683
I was Joan Fitzgerald and trained at the Oldham Royal Infirmary 1961-1965 was actually in Geoffs set. We are having a reunion at the St Annes rugby club on October 11th 2014 from 6. 45pm. To confirm a place ring Joan on the above number please.
Name: Michael Hughes May 2014.
I'm a collector of nursing badges & have 3 variants of the Oldham badge, the oval shaped badge with the scroll. One has blue enamel, like the one in the gallery with the 2 medal type badges, one with white enamel & one with red enamel. I can supply pictures. What branch of nursing do the different coloured enamel represent?
I would also like to obtain the 2 medal type badges, one has blue enamel to its circlet & one has green enamel to its circlet. Can anyone assist?
March 2014.
Name: phil kingman
Tel: 0161 764 3047
Commenced my RMN training 1986 to 89 with George, Joe, Heath, Joanne, Debbie, Sandra, Cheryl, Sarah, Jane, our tutors were Mike Levins, John Howarth and later Richard Ofori. They were really good times and, I guess, the end of an era. Soon after I qualified the school closed.
March 2014.
Name: Christine Cover
I was in the 1974_78 class. Anyone else train that long ago?
Name: DAVID IRESON January 2014.
Hi Geoff great to see lots of old familiar names and those I worked and trained with from 75-78 those were the days..
Name: Frank Lees
Hello. I enjoyed the site. I was the first male nursing cadet, 1968. Sorry to say, but I only lasted 18 months.
Did you know Uno Von Lyden at Oldham & District General Hospital. (Fred Lyden).
He might have worked on the Mental Health Unit.
Tel: 07787505235
Here goes, I am a 43 year old man who is trying to find records of his father. My Dad worked at Boundary Park Hospital in the 70s, would be hard to forget him as his name was Uno Von Lyden, He may have spelt the Lyden slightly differently as there are variations. I know he died in the mid 70's and I know he had a wife called Jean but bar that I dont know much. My mother is Bettee Diane Simpson who was an RMN there and she also had a friend who was a good friend of my dads and she was called Mary Cavey, unsure of the spelling of Cavey.I am not after much just maybe my email passing to someone who knew him or knows any of my living relatives in the greater Manchester area. My Dad was from Finland so there will not have been many Finns on the payroll back then. Many Thanks.
05/09/13 08:19:40 GMT
Name: Warren Pickup.
Location: Milnrow
Trained in 85 to 88. Happy days. Now working in Medical Sales and actually live quite close to Trevor Jepson.
Replacement Nursing Badges.
I received an email recently informing me that the sender had contacted Salford University for a replacement badge and was advised to contact:-
The Programme Support Officer - Pre Registration Programmes
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Social Work
Room MS1.03
Mary Seacole Building
Tel: 0161 295 6471
There is a charge and the nurses name and date of training etc will be required.
Name: Denise Thomson nee Candy. June 2013.
Tel: 07521066450
Message.Just found this site and was reading some of the messages. I moved back from Holland and on the way home misplaced my hospital badge (a cherished item) I trained at Oldham 1975 - 1977 . I am still an active nurse and would love a replacement badge if that is at all possible.
Name: Maria Turner. 30/04/2013.
How lovely to see old photos, would love to access more if anyone has any. I have a couple from 1981 but not sure how to upload. I started training as an RGN in 1980, great time and wonderful nurse. Still working now, times have change eh?
Here's to the good old times.
Amended email from Maria.
Sorry uploaded earlier post and meant to say wonderful nurses then, not that I was a wonderful nurse ha ha.
Need better glasses!!!
Message from Chris and Mavis Eyes. 30/04/2013.
Tel: 01423 771991
Hi I trained RMN from 1972 - 75, Mavis nee Morris did her SEN (M) from 1972, we then did our SRN in mid 70's. Mavis worked on A1 and I worked at CMU ORI then C2, my Mum Doris Eyes worked on CW2A (died in 2010) Be lovely to hear from anyone who remembers us. We are both retired and living in Harrogate.
Message from from Nicola Fisher nee Riley.
Trained at oldham 1989-1992 with Mr Jepson, am doing a return to nursing course at the moment not sure if I'm doing the right thing as it all seems so different , was so much fun 20 years ago training and then working in A& E. It was so much better when nursing schools were smaller friendlier places.
Message from Emma Kershaw nee Shaw.
I trained with Nicola Fisher and I agree we had an amazing time with the wonderful Mr Jepson, we tried our hand at all aspects of nursing before we qualified and I had a wonderful (although hard work and tiring) 19yrs on trauma orthopaedics before I left to be with my kids. such a shame the training changed.
Message from Stephanie in Australia
Hi, Can you tell me how I can access the lists of nurses at Oldham Hospital in the mid 1900's. (From Australia that is)I am told one of my families Aunts was "a big cheese" - namely 'Head Ward Maid' - at Oldham Royal working with Dr Steptoe. It appears it could be Edith Stephenson. However I have 2! One born approx 1896 and I dont know her married name, the other 1917 - 1988.
I hope you can help.
Message from Harry Doongoor in Canada.
Hi.... I will be visiting Oldham after 35 years and would like to catch up with co-workers from Cm1a/b between 1970- 1974.
Thank you.
Tel: 514 366 1267
Message from Joan Mayall (Nee Fielding)
(All being well this has now been resolved).
Message from Peter Westhead. 12/22/12 18:28:57 GMT
Location: United Kingdom
I trained 75-79 at EMU. With Geoff Rhodes, Dave Fidler and the bunch.
08/20/10 04:39:08 GMT
Name: Shirley Baker.
Location: Australia
Fantastic to see this site... it's a era we need to keep alive for all to see. Thanks to those who made this site and keep on promoting the great nurses that came out of Oldham.... (I could feel quite homesick now!!)
06/15/10 17:46:31 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
According to John Howarth who has recently seen Anna Biczo, Renee Carter and Ann Frost are still about.
06/13/10 15:58:53 GMT
Name: Sue Hulme..nee Cleife.
Location: Anglesey
Hello, just found this site by of April 1978-81. Remember poor Geoff looking after me day before my wedding after dinner time celebartions!!!would love to hear from anyone I worked with..sad about mrs Carter still about??
04/14/10 14:34:32 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
The 1969 - 1970 picture has now been included. Thank you for sending it.
04/10/10 00:25:53 GMT
Name: Harry Doongoor.
Location: Montreal/Canada.
Hi... I have the 1970 Graduation picture. The Graduation Ceremony was held on Sat.17th October, 1970 at the Main Hall,Dept.of Psychiatry. I would like it to be included among the graduating pictures. Pl tell me how to go about it. Thanks
02/11/10 20:01:43 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith.
The Oldham archives did have some old pictures of the hospitals because they were sent there when the School of Nursing closed.
02/11/10 09:45:01 GMT
Name: Irene Beever.
Location: Oldham
Hi to any ex or present staff,the Oldham Archives are looking for any old photographs or memories for Westhulme Hospital, and the old Psychiatric unit, or any of the hospitals that were in Oldham.We would be very grateful as the history of these places are disappearing very fastly.
12/01/09 22:07:04 GMT
Name: Denise Hill.
Location: oldham
Sheila's funeral takes place on 2nd December 09 in Nerja, Spain. Ashes to be flown home to Oldham at a later date. I have spoken to Sheila's family in Nerja, and hope to arrange a memorial service here in Oldham for Sheila at a later date. Please feel free to email me.
11/29/09 10:24:14 GMT
Name: Denise Hill ( wood) MY URL: Visit Me
Location: oldham
Hi to all who remember me - sorry to be the bearer of bad news - heard yesterday of the death of Sheila Matthews in her home town of Nerja, Spain. Am awaiting funeral details - will pass them on when known.
03/11/09 06:22:19 GMT
Name: Hazel Turner
Location: New Zealand
Is there any ex Mental Health students out there who trained in the early seventies....I was in the same group as Dave Walmsley (R.I.P) and our tutor was George Yinakis
03/09/09 14:50:30 GMT
Location: Cornwall.
Trained in Oldham 1982 to 85 happened upon this site whilst trying to get info to send off to job application in new zealand . Sorry to read about Tony Kilroys death. anyone wishing to get back in touch please email.
03/08/09 23:20:38 GMT
Name: Hazel Turner.
Location New Zealand.
Would love to get in touch with any psychiatric students from the early seventies...What a great site to bring back fond memories..
02/28/09 15:14:30 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith.
Location: Spain
Reminder about the staff reunion on 14th March at the Albion Club, Royton Precinct. Spread the word if you see anyone and hope to see you soon, Millie Burrows (Diggle) Tel: 0161-797-9016
02/06/09 13:17:05 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
Location: Spain
Thanks for leaving a note Jackie.
02/04/09 17:25:14 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
Location: Spain.
Great to hear from you Eileen. How can the UK manage without you? Brilliant those conversion courses. Bye for now.
01/21/09 19:20:12 GMT
Name: Jackie Spencer.
Location Derbyshire
As a psychiatric student from Sept 1979 to 1982 and staff nurse until 1986 at ODGH, I was really pleased to see the website and see old faces. I have fond memories of Oldham School of Nursing and Elizabeth Martland Unit. I now live in Derbyshire and its good to revisit my nursing roots! Well Done.
01/21/09 13:22:45 GMT
Location: Australia
Hi Geoff lovely to see you are still active. I now live in Australia in retirement which is wonderful. I have some beaut memories of our Conversion class of 1992. Be happy. Eileen
01/17/09 13:53:46 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
Comments: Email to Geoff Smith.
Hi Geoff, there's a reunion of old staff on 14th March at the Albion Club, Royton Precinct. Spread the word if you see anyone and hope to see you soon, Millie. ps my home phone number is 0161-797-9016
01/10/09 17:21:19 GMT
Name: Janet Rawlinson.
Location: US
Anyone out there from the RGN class of January 1985 to 1988, tutor Ian Valantine? Would love to hear from anyone in that group, Happy New Year
01/10/09 17:20:06 GMT
Name: Janet Rawlinson.
Location: US
Anyone out there from the RGN class of January 1985 to 1988, tutor Ian Valantine? Would love to hear from anyone in that grou, Happy New Year.
12/31/08 11:51:57 GMT
Name: Irene and John Beever.
Location: Oldham Lancashire.
Hi to everybody who knew us,my maiden name was Newton,We trained and worked between both hospitals,and are time servied was between 1967 to 2005,we are now retired and would love to catch up with anyone,Irene.
12/17/08 00:57:59 GMT
Name: Harry Doongoor.
Location: Montreal, Canada
I worked at the Oldham & Dist General Hospital between 1967 and 1974. I would like to hear from Irene Newton/John Beever,kathleen Chadwick(who worked on Cm1A) and from anyone who may remember me.I spent the last 2 years on Cm1a before leaving for the Data Center dept at Ferranti International in Chadderton.I now live in Montreal/Canada. Thank You.
12/13/08 16:04:31 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
Thankyou for signing the guest book.The pub could have either been the "Grey Mare" or "The Queens", The "Royal" or "Brook Tavern". All were on Rochdale Road.
12/06/08 20:49:50 GMT
Name: Debbie Campling..(williams)
Location: Northampton
Hi there started my RMN in sept 1985,remembered a few names on the site had great fun and good nights in the pub at the top of the hospital cant remember its name trained with Erica, Phil, Craig, Angela, Lesley, Lynne, Barbara, Dorcas, Cath, Donna?, dementia setting in arrgh surnames have all gone sorry if if have missed anyone out...Tony was our tutor..would love to hear form anyone who remembers me...take care all..debsx
11/28/08 20:35:23 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
Thank you for leaving a message. I am pleased that you enjoyed looking at the site.
11/21/08 14:13:28 GMT
Name: Peter Chapman.
Location: Manchester
I loved looking at this site, it brought some fond memories back. Thank you setting this site up.
11/21/08 13:50:10 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith.
Hello Elizabeth, Nice to hear you are doing well and keeping the place going. As for the site I dont really get too much time to work on it but in time I will. Some of the pictures are funny. Bye for now.
11/07/08 13:07:02 GMT
Name: Elizabeth Kuhn.
Location: Presently at Sycamores but hopefully moving onto memory assessment clinic in December
Visited the site again, and have read the guest book and comments. Well done Geoff for such a great idea and Hi! hope all is well. Would love to hear from past friends
10/23/08 09:40:21 GMT
Name: Debra Bond.
Location: Wakefield
I was saddened to see the message about Dave Walmsley's funeral a few months ago. He was a great bloke - he put up with our Sept 1982 group with fighting spirit.
10/15/08 14:20:52 GMT
Name: Elizabeth Kuhn.
Location: Limetrees/Sycamores
Wow!!!! How good is this....a blast from the past full of wonderful memories...where have all the good times gone???????????
10/15/08 14:16:44 GMT
Name: Jean Wild.
Fantastic!! a real trip down memory lane.
09/17/08 20:03:45 GMT
Name: Gail Parkins (nee Coope/Thorp).
Location: Bury
great website, good to see some familiar faces. did my EN training in 84-86. mrs pemberton was tutor. anyone know of whats happened to julie duffy and pat parry to name 2. Also did conversion course in 87, with geoff smith as tutor.anyone know what has happened to trish ward, maureen ward. or jill slinger??. I left oldham in 91 and went to salford since then worked in london as a midwife, and have been a practice nurse for 10yrs. now taking a break from nursing to study for a degree.
09/13/08 10:20:20 GMT
Name: Jeanette Meadowcroft
Location: Oldham
I was in the last 'traditional' nursing group @ Oldham (1993-1996)and am still in touch with a few people from the group. I work in critical care-but not at Oldham, Maria Lees (now Ball) is still working in A/E (or should that now be ED?!) Layla is also in critical care & Louise Walkden is in community. Remember the outward bound well-had a great time-John Howarth entertained us in the evening-Hollingworth Lake is soooo cold when you fall in off the dinghy though!!
09/13/08 08:57:50 GMT
Name: Jean McMonagle/nee Barker.
Location: Oldham
Nice to see the page up and running again. I am still in touch with Caroline Forde, Sue Marsden/Cooke. Ann Thornton has retired and gone abroad, Sharon Green now a midwive, recently been in touch with Jenny Guiney/ Clarke--found her on friends reunited, and remember so many more--jean ( rejex--following on from project x !!)
09/06/08 14:07:16 GMT
Name: Sylvia West nee Bamforth.
Location: South Lakes
Good to find one or two old friend on this wonderful site.I trained 1988-1991 in Trevor Jepsons group,it was hard work but I throughly enjoyed it.Would be great to hear from anyone who remembers me.Still nursing in a hospice in South Lakes.
08/30/08 13:23:11 GMT
Name: Tracey Brien was Parker.
Location: Perth, Western Australia
What a great site, it brought back some wonderful memories! It was great to read the names of people I thought I'd forgotten! Did EN training in 1986-88 (was the last EN school) - thanks to Trevor for making us laugh! Did the coversion course in 1992 - thanks to Geoff for making us do the walk! Been living in Australia for 3 years and am a practice nurse - really enjoying the lifestyle! Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me! Tracey x
08/29/08 16:20:25 GMT
Geoff Smith.
It was great to see quite a number of ex colleagues at Dave Walmsleys funeral today. It was just a pity that the pleasure from seeing old friends was clouded by the sad circumstances. However, Milly Burrows (Diggle) is arranging a reunion for March 2009. Please keep your ears open or log on to this site in a week or two.
06/15/08 13:57:03 GMT
Name: Mike Rowan.
Location: Finland
Since leaving oldham went on the grand tour-boston-nottingjam-aberdeen-sussex and Univ of surrey Now in the middle of Finland. Best wishes to all that know me."time moves on but the great moments last forever"
08/30/07 07:44:56 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith.
Philip and Beryl Howard came to England for a holiday recently from New Zealand. A get together was arranged for the 28th August 2007.
05/05/07 03:32:47 GMT
Name: Julie Ingham (nee arnold).
Location: Manchester
what a great site! brought back lots of memories. loved the pics of my tutor trevor jepson. would love to hear from anyone who trained with me (1988-91. currently working at the MRI - not a patch on the royal oldham, but filling in visa applications to go off to the land down under. claire hitchinson- if you ever read this- i have been trying to make contact with you, ring me wishes to all
04/11/07 22:13:28 GMT
Name: Peter Connolly.
I have very fond memories of my training days at oldham school of nusrsing 1976-79.
03/12/07 16:52:16 GMT
Name: Malcolm Trickett.
Location: Louth,Linconshire
Malcolm & Sylvia Trickett(nee Lupton)RMN 1965-68, SRN 1969-70. We would love to hear from any of our contempories. Both of us are now retired and haveing a great time.
08/30/06 18:56:03 GMT
Name: Peter Chapman.
Location: Manchester
Hi there! I did my RMN at Oldham School of Nursing between Jan '82 to Mar '85. Some of the people in my intake were:- Mike Buckley (he is now managing a psychotherapy service in Salford, June Walsh, Peter Maquilliam, Simon Stott and I cannot remember the names of the others (must be dementia setting in). I am now a Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist working in Manchester, I am also a local magistrate.
06/26/06 14:40:09 GMT
The Funeral of Anthony Nigel Kilroy, ex Oldham School of nursing Tutor, was held at St Edwards catholic church in Lees, Oldham on Monday 26th June 2006.
04/03/06 17:30:18 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
Hello Julie, Thanks for leaving a note. Geoff Smith.
04/02/06 21:27:54 GMT
Name: Julie Parker nee Roscoe.
trained at Oldham between 198-1987, Trevor Jepson our tutor - we were so lucky and have lots of lovely memories. Played hard, worked hard
02/25/06 12:42:25 GMT
Name: Sue Fildes (Wood)
Love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
07/11/05 21:25:12 GMT
Name: Mary Darwin (nee Jones).
Location: Norwich
Anybody from the EN class of 1980-1982 I would love to hear from you.
06/06/05 14:24:41 GMT
Name: White Olwyn (nee Mayers).
Location: The Royal Oldham Hospital
Hi I am sure there are some old friends out there who will remember working here in Oldham.I came in Sept 1967 - happy cadet days!I am the Nurse Manager for Day Surgery based in D Block. Christine Mellor (nee Hart)is the Senior Sister on the Day Surgery Wards, Christine also started as a cadet in 1967. Today I saw Marcia Bailey (nee Tankard)another of the 67 gang.It would be great to hear from past friends and colleagues also greetings to you Geoff.
07/13/04 21:55:40 GMT
Name: Eileen Brown.
Locatiion: Oldham
Is there anyone out there from the EN 1982 School or 1992 Conversion Course. I'm now retired from the NHS just doing a few hours a week for 'Out of Hours Service' it would be lovely to hear from you.
06/01/04 14:07:59 GMT
Name: Anne Jakubowski nee Taylor.
Location: Stockport
My goodness! Who would have believed it after all these years.So many well remembered names & faces.Such happy memories from '65 - '71.if anyone out there remembers me,please do get in touch.Anne
05/12/04 23:28:02 GMT
Name: Kev Young.
Location: Wales
Come on guys who actually own up to remembering the Eighties!!! If you were there and can freely admit it-sign it. Tata Kev
04/19/04 19:52:25 GMT
Name: Sandra Barrow (Browne).
Location: Reading
Will like to locate the class of 1978-81 for a possible reunion. Also persons who lived i the nurses home at the oldham Infirmary just before it was closed.
03/18/04 17:44:41 GMT
Name: Kev Young.
Location: Wales
Seeing as it worked this time here is an expansion on that piddling message of mine!!! Looking for contacts with the January 1983 school. I know that Towers has been inflitrating the private sector and that Dave Youngman ended up in Basildon for some reason,but who the hell knows where the rest are? If you do-leave a message.And hi Geoff-hope things are fine etc. Tata and all that.
03/18/04 17:40:09 GMT
Name: Kev Young.
Location: Wales
Just resurfacing to say hi and invite any contacts. tata
03/14/04 19:21:06 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith
These are just a few of our contacts before we lost the original guestbook site:- Alison Worth - Kevin Young - Dave McAugey - Jean McMonagle - Peter Connolly - Jessica Campbell - Sue Cox - Bernadette Burns - Terry Liddel - Dougie Howarth - Susan Lane.
03/01/04 21:04:26 GMT
Name: Geoff Smith.
Welcome to the archive site for the Oldham School of Nursing and West Pennine College of Health, in addition to the Northern College. If you would like to leave a message please complete the form on the"contact us" page. Thank you.
The following was transferred from the previous site from Irene Beever. 5/02/11
Name: Irene Beever MY URL: Visit Me
My Email: Location: Oldham
To all ex staff. On Saturday 19th February at the Local Studies and Archives between 10:30am - 3:30pm, we are holding a hospital memory day. So if you worked at any of the hospitals, or other parts of the NHS we would love to share your memories and photographs. If you can`t get along we would still like to hear from you, so if you wish to take part please send your memories to the Oldham Local Studies and Archives, 84 Union Street, Oldham. OL1 1DN or is now an interest group established to try and save as much history to hopefully pass on to future generations.