Ogden Baptist Church (Newhey)

Foreword from the 1783-1983 Bi-Centenary booklet.


This booklet is intended to be no more than a factual record of the ministers and main events at Ogden Baptist Church since its founding in 1783. There is little reference to the Glorious Gospel of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, which literally has been proclaimed, week by week, from its pulpit, or of the way that God has guided our affairs and supported His Witness at Ogden. All this is implicit in this account, for without such Divine Grace and Favour there would not be an Ogden story.

Neither is there much reference to the thousands of godly men and women who have graced its courts for 200 years, and whose influence has been effective in the development of our own country and in other parts of the world. Often in circumstances of extreme poverty and hardship, they supported the church by prayer, faithful attendance, and sacrificial giving.

There is no mention, either, of the real grief and sorrow suffered by many Church members as they saw their beautiful sanctuary torn down in 1972, after standing solidly in the Pennine foothills for nearly 200 years.

The Church is now truly established in Newhey, and as we look back to 1783 with thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done for us, we shall also be looking forward, believing that as the Lord has so wonderfully guided us to another place, He still has work for our Church to do.

"To God be the Glory".

Contact Information

Ogden Baptist Church (Newhey)

Cedar Lane
OL16 4LD

Where we are

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