- The organisation’s major achievement has been to establish itself as the centre for Asian Arts and Media in the region, providing a focal point for resources and facilities to deliver projects on regular basis e.g. recording studio; video editing and workshop training.
- MAMC is an Approved Training centre through Edexcel (national awarding body) since November 1999.
- Achieved Investors in People status in June 2004.
- Developed the only accredited BTEC Asian Music course through Edexcel and short courses in: Working with Others, Asian Textiles, Community Recording Studio, Arts in the Community, Creative writting with OCN North West Region (OCNNWR).
- Established the Rochdale Mega Mela (community festival), which for over 13 years has provided opportunities for local, regional and international talent and has attracted over 14,000 people over two days.
- Established the European Mela Network, with support from the Arts Council-North West to assist other melas and festivals in quality information and sharing good practices. MAMC’s Chief Executive works on the executive board of the Network. He is also been selected on a Cultural Leadership Programme.
- Organised three annual international visits to Lahore, Pakistan with School Teachers, Western, African and Asian Artists to perform as part of annual Cultural Celebration (Basant). A performance also took place in front of the President of Pakistan in 2005.
- National touring of Handicraft exhibition at festivals and Melas across the country.
- Established partnership with referral agencies for work placement at the Centre.