Moorhouse Methodist Church

Moorhouse Methodist Church, Milnrow

Minister: Dcn. Marcianne Uwimana

Tel: 01706 759325

How to find us: Moorhouse Methodist Church is on Rochdale Road, on the left-hand side, when travelling in the direction of Milnrow. OL16 3LN

Service Times

Every Sunday 10.30am Morning Worship, plus Sunday School

Regular Activities


7.30pm "Rooted"  CURRENTLY SUSPENDED                                                                                          14-18 years Activities include games, life lessons and Bible lessons and social events.



7.30pm "Rock Solid" Youth Club
11- 14 years. Activities include games, life lessons and Bible lessons and social events.

Thursdays (3rd Thursday)

3pm-4pm Prayer & Bible Study


10.30am Morning Worship

Contact Information

Moorhouse Methodist Church

Rochdale Road
OL16 3LN

Tel: 01706 759325

Meeting times

Service Times:

Every Sunday 10.30am Morning worship, with Sunday School

Third Thursday 3pm-4pm  Bible Study

Fourth Saturday 11am-2pm Bereavement Cafe

 "Messy Church"   Saturday 4pm-6pm Once a month see "Whats On" page for dates


Bible verse for March

“For, 'Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved ”

                                    Romans 10:13