Milnrow Sea Anglers


Contact details

Secretary Paul Whiting 01706 653650 Mobile 07518953740


Sea fishing throughout the year.

Boat fishing trips to Guernsey,Weymouth, Brixham, Caernarfon, Holyhead, Rhyl, Mersey, Fleetwood, Whitby and Drummore Scotland.

Shore fishing trips to North Wales, Merseyside, Lancashire and Cumbria.

Fishing gear to loan to new members.

Friendly Helpful membership  Juniors accompanied  by adults welcome no experience necessary and help and advice freely given.

Membership classifications Adult  and Junior (under 18) .

The Club Subsidises trips to Fleetwood and Rhyl for Juniors

Affiliated to the Welsh Federation of Sea Anglers (WFSA)

£10 Million third party insurance WFSA

Contact Information

Milnrow Sea Anglers

Milnrow Working Men's Club
Dale Street
OL16 3NW

Mobile: 07518 953740

Meeting times


April to September inclusive
Tuesdays weekly at 8:45pm

October to March inclusive
First and third Tuesdays of the month     AGM first Tuesday in December   Presentation first Tuesday in February




Where we are

(click to zoom)
