Milnrow & Newhey Bridleways Group

CLAIM: Woodmilll footpath, Newhey

"Woodmill Footpath" (MilFp112 on the definitive map) is a small cut through off Huddersfield Road, Newhey near Woodside that meanders onthe other side of the river to Piethorne Camping and comes out at the bottom of Greenhalgh's.  It allows riders to skip a chunk of the main road and then either join the bridleway up to Rough Bank or go into Ogden.

This wide and substantial track has been used by horse riders for well over 20 years and so we have collected evidence and applied for a modification order to upgarde this footpath to a bridleway.  This is the first upgarde we have applied for and therefore it has been a good learning curve,and will set us up to do apply for more upgrades in our aim to improve equestiran routes in the Milnrow & Newhey area.

Julie Simpson, ROW officer at Environmental management at the Council has examined all the evidence and since there have been no objections by the landowners, she will be putting  it forward to the Pennine Townships and recommending that it is upgraded to a bridleway. 

UPDATE 09 Nov 2018

The upgrade has been approved and it now with Rochdale Council's legal team to action


Contact Information

Milnrow & Newhey Bridleways Group

Meeting times

Meetings held 4 times a year