About Us
Littleborough u3a was set up in September 2014, for the advancement of education and, in particular, the education of older people and those who are retired from full-time work, by all means including associated activities conducive to learning and personal development.
It has nearly 300 members and is still growing. Membership is open to anyone who is retired or semi-retired in and around the Littleborough area.
Member Interest Groups include: French, Spanish and Italian language learning groups; 2 walking groups; birdwatching group; I.T and photography group; discussion group; History group; creative writing group; singing group; craft group; bridge group; scrabble group. More groups are forming reflecting the interests of members. Please see our website for full details.
There is also a programme of speakers at the Monthly Meetings listed on the website. Following the end of Covid restrictions we have now returned to face to face meetings at Littleborough Coach House.