Littleborough Civic Trust



Littleborough Civic Trust is a voluntary body affiliated to the national body Civic Voice. It was established in 1971 and exists to conserve and enhance the environment of Littleborough.

Our activities depend on the interests and concerns of members and residents, but include writing of books (history, local walks) planting trees and encouraging Local Authority actions.

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month at Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park off Hare Hill Road OL15 9HF.  New members are always welcome. For more information, contact anyone on the contacts list.

Contacts at Littleborough Civic Trust

Please feel free to contact any of the following; contact details available by going to our website (see above)

Committee Members 2018-2019

Chairman: Ian Jackson

Secretary:Mike Price

Treasurer: John Kay
Membership Secretary: Gillian Price
Minutes Secretary: Gillian Price
Newsletter Editor: Vacant

Website Manager: Iain Spencer Gerrard

For more detailed and up to date information visit our website (see above)

Contact Information

Littleborough Civic Trust

Community Room in Littleborough Boxing and Fitness Club
21 Church Street
OL15 8DA