Visit by Nicholas and Jenny Hammond Sept 2011
Nicholas Hammond formerly of Dean Head Littleborough who is a keen canal supporter and a Director of The Littleborough Marina CIC has been enjoying a relaxing week in a hired narrow boat on the Rochdale Canal.
I caught up with them while moored close to the former Clog Factory at Mytholmroyd and so was able to bring Nicholas up to date with the work of LCDG and in particular our efforts to create a Marina at Durn Littleborough.
Nicholas has recently returned from France where he has been studying the history of the early French canals. He has been preparing drawings of the Rogny seven rise staircase lock on the Canal de Briare.
He is also preparing drawings of some of the English canal locks and hopes to publish a book on the whole history of the infrastructure of canals if he can find a publisher to take it on.
Nicholas and Jenny now live in Eastbourne nearer their family including five grandchildren (4 girls and 1 boy) but Nicholas continues to support our work and sends his regards to all his friends.
John F Kay
Sept 2011