Minutes of the 97th meeting on 20 November 2012.
Minutes of the 97th meeting on 20 November 2012.
Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Chris Blackwell, Katy Bottomley, Barry Horner, John Kershaw, John F Kay, Cllr Ann Stott, Barbara Weatherley, Bob Weatherley, Roger Davis.
Apologies for absence: Cynthia Davis, Helen Evans.
1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 96) approved.
2. Durn Marina.
2.1 JFK advised he had been speaking to the Planning Department and been advised they had been thinking about this project whereby they would use the council land (Western End) Durn Bridge to Mechplant site with the Marina being at the NE end. Mechplant would remain insitu.
Small industrial units and canal servicing would be incorporated. Also the yard at Schofield Street including the building. JFK proposed a small sub- committee should be formed to investigate the matter bearing in mind the proposals we already had in house. This was unanimously agreed. The sub- committee would be Peter Evans, John F Kay, Barry Horner, Bob Weatherley, whole all agreed plus Keith Hallam and Brian Holden both who have to agree.
2.2 No progress on Schofield Street obstruction.
3. Littleborough Volunteer Lengthsman Scheme.
3.1 JFK had contacted Jon Stopp regarding flyers who had agreed. JFK will contact him regarding the wording of these.
Katy Bottomley advised she would like to be a volunteer.
4. Akzo Site.
4. RD advised as follows: -At the last Township meeting Ray Smith (Chairman of Friends of Hollingworth Lake) had spoken about the land and the committee had instructed the clerk to write to RMBC advising RS’s concerns requesting a reply be sent to him.
-Also the Borough Solictor had contacted Barry Cropper suggesting a meeting with him and RMBC development manager. BC had asked for the agenda of such a meeting and stated he would like others who had complained to be present. No response.
-At the last Township meeting the August 1st Planning Sub-committee meeting minutes were noted. They have not been passed.
-At the last township meeting the subject of a public meeting was raised and Cllr Brett stated he did not see any need for a public meeting. This despite the fact Township passed this at their January meeting and also at a private meeting in March. RMBC development manager had been at both meetings. It is regrettably that councillors who were at the January and March meetings made no comment.
5. Canal and River Trust.
5.1 There is no news regarding the Summit lockhouse.
5.2 There had been a court case regarding boat owners who lived permanently on board staying in one place, then making a small move thus avoiding mooring fees. The judge had agreed with the complainant.
6. Next meetings: Tuesdays 15 January, 19 February and 15 March. All meetings at 19.30h in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.
Post Meeting note re item 3 above.
Iain Gerrard advised the Richard ? referred to in item 3.1 meeting no. 96 is Richard Nicholls. He also asked about Michael McCann’s offer to be a lengthsman. Arrangements were made for Iain to give Jon Stopp the contact details for Michael McCann and Katy Bottomley to arrange areas.