Minutes of the 90th meeting on 17 April 2012.
Minutes of the 90th meeting on 17 April 2012.
Present: Cllr Peter Evans (Chairman), Iain Gerrard, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw, Michael McCann, Ken Rosbotham, Cllr Ann Stott, Roger Davis.
Apologies: Cynthia Davis, Barbara Weatherley, Bob Weatherley, Barbara Tunstall.
1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 89) approved.
2. Matters arising from meeting no. 89 that are not on the agenda.
2.1 Mechplant obstruction of Schofield Street. No progress to report.
3. Durn Marina.
3.1 No news on the development.
3.2 No news on the Council yard. 3.3 JFK has applied for possible funding to the Big Society Capital, waiting for a response.
4. Akzo Nobel site.
4.1 PE advised of the informal meeting that the ward councillors had attended with Barry Cropper and RMBC planning officers. He stated Mark Robinson of RMBC had told him minutes of this meeting had been sent to the developer, Countryside Properties. Copies of this would be distributed with the developer’s response when received.
4.2 IG asked if it was possible to have the outline planning permission cancelled as it now appeared the application had not been thoroughly investigated at the time when it had been passed. It should be noted this outline application was in great detail.
In view of Barry Cropper’s detailed investigation regarding many aspects of the site it was agreed RD should ask if he would be prepared to advise the members of his findings at the next meeting. Following this a decision could be made as to what action could be taken on the outline application.
4.3 No date has been set for the public meeting.
5. Littleborough Volunteer Lengthsman Scheme.
5.1 IG and a new member, Michael McCann, wish to be involved in this. JFK will ascertain what are the telephone numbers for them to contact if the need arose.
6. Any Other Business.
6.1 RD advised of the IWA visit to Foxton Locks on 21/4 and handed a detailed leaflet to those who were interested.
7. Next meetings. Tuesdays 15 May, 19 June and 17 July. All at 19.30h in United Reform Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.
Post meeting note. Barry Cropper welcomed the offer to address the meeting on 15 May. Note an announcement of this will appear in the Rochdale Observer and it is possible a reporter may attend.
Aide memoir. Our web site address is: www.lcdg4you.co.uk or www.lcdg4you.com