Minutes of the 76th meeting on 18th January 2011
Minutes of the 76th meeting
Held on Tuesday 18th January 2011.
Present: Councillor Peter Evans (Chairman), Iain S Gerrard, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw, Barbara Tunstall.
Apologies: Roger and Cynthia Davis.
1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 75) were approved.
2. Matters Arising:
New Canal Committee: Peter Evans said that this was in abeyance as no one had been appointed to it. John Kay said he had information regarding this item: a meeting would be held on the 23rd January and council representatives appointed then; Manchester Council were responsible for holding things up and had not previously sent any representatives because of concerns that the Rochdale Canal might pose as a competitor to the Bridgewater Canal.
Mechplant: Keith Hallam reported that this company had been posting posters denying access to the canal via Schofield Street. John Kay said that this ludicrous as Schofield Street didn’t belong to Mechplant and he found it ridiculous that more than 6 months of complaints to the Authorities had resulted in no action; he produced and circulated a plan of the area provided by the Land Registry which confirmed this. It was noted that Mechplant’s ownership appeared to extend all the way to the water’s edge including the wash wall.
Ealees Café: There was no update on the situation in regard to the temporary café. Peter Evans reported that Peter Rowlinson was in the process of preparing a report on the Canal Street site as a whole which would be presented to Cabinet. He felt that this, if accepted, may alter the legal position for the site although it would have to go out for public consultation first. Iain Gerrard expressed his concern that this could mean the loss of the Planning Brief for the site which had been the only thing preventing the exploitation of the site for housing.
John Kay said he had had a meeting with Peter Rowlinson on the 24th November 2010 to discuss the Durn Marina when it had been suggested that a hotel and library might be better located at Canal Street.
3. Towpath.
Iain reported that further work had been started on the stretch of towpath above lock 39. He also reported seeing a fine crack in the surface of the towpath south of Bent House Bridge shortly after the snow had melted; this had run longitudinally in the centre of the path for about 30 feet. It had since disappeared which he felt indicated it had been caused possibly by the wash wall moving but more likely due to ice beneath the tar ‘heaving’ as it melted.
4. Durn Marina.
John Kay reported that as the present expression of interest period was running out he had written to British Waterways outlining proposals for a marina and asking for an extension of time; this had been agreed and an extra three months granted which would run out on the 7th April 2011. He had also written to Peter Rowlinson requesting help in the preparation of a feasibility study but had had no response to date. The intention that the subcommittee prepare a feasibility study could wait until he had had a reply from Peter Rowlinson.
5. Any Other Business.
6. Next meetings:
Tuesday 15th February 2011
Tuesday 15th March 2011
Tuesday 19th April 2011
All at 7.30 pm in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.
The meeting closed at 8.55 pm