Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of the 153rd meeting - 16th January 2018

Minutes of the 153rd meeting held 16th Janaury 2018 at Hare Hill House Starting at 7.30pm

Present: Barry Cropper, Ian Jackson; Julian Farnell; Keith Hallam; Brian Holden, John F Kay, Bob Weatherley,

Apologies for absence from Barry Horner

Minutes of the meeting on 21st November 2017 were discussed and approved

Akzo Nobel Site

Barry Cropper updated the meeting about the refusal of the planning officer to acknowledge new information now available about a 5th seem from the Upper Mountain Mine which crossed the development site.

Barry Cropper was now a member of Littleborough Civic Trust and would be speaking to the planning meeting next week. Members of the Civic Trust would be attending in support to demonstrate the concern of the Civic Trust if Homes England pushed through a planning consent without consideration and modification of the conditions attached to the existing planning consent

Littleborough Civic Trust

John Kay as treasurer of Littleborough Civic Trust confirmed that the sum of £1,779.82 was held in the account on behalf of LCDG. It was agreed that he can withdraw funds to pay the planning fee on the application mentioned below

Canal & River Trust

Anyone wishing to join the Tow Path Task Force should contact IJ on

Café Boat Scheme

The mooring application to C&RT which received approval “in principle” had extended the date for a response to 1st June 2018 in the light of the difficulties in gaining access to the Schofield Street building and submitting the planning application

Julian Farnell provided plans and a partly completed planning application form. The committee considered the few questions which were relevant and these were left with John Kay to complete and submit

John Kay will also get involved with the efforts to gain access to the Schofield Street Building which seems to be stuck with Nigel Macdonald of RRMBC. He is also encouraging Cllr Ann Stott to press for progress

It was agreed that once the boat has been moved onto the Schofield Street Site it will be sand blasted and primer coat applied. It will then be re-inspected to see if any welding was necessary

Date of Next Meetings

Tuesday 20th February 2018

Tuesday 20th March 2018

Tuesday 17th April 2018



Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF