Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of the 149th meeting held 15th August 2017

Minutes of the 149th meeting held 15th August 2017 at Hare Hill House 7.30pm

Present: Ian Jackson; Julian Farnell; Brian Holden, John F Kay

Those present were only aware of apologies from Cllr Ann Stott

Minutes of the last meeting were discussed and used as agenda items for this meeting.

Littleborough Civic Trust

IJ gave a talk to Littleborough Archaeological and Historical Society on ‘The History of the Rochdale Canal in Littleborough on Thurs 10th August at Littleborough Railway Station; Platform 2.

This presentation was very successful. Following the meeting IJ and others were involved in rescuing a troubled lady from the railway line before a train arrived.

JFK as treasurer of Littleborough Civic Trust confirmed that the sum of £1,779.82 was held in the account on behalf of LCDG


Canal & River Trust

IJ informed the meeting that the Tow Path Task Force was now operational. They had in hand the rebuilding of a stone wall at Ealees which had fallen into disrepair some 25 years ago. They had also placed a new bench near lock 48

Anyone wishing to join the Tow Path Task Force should contact IJ on


Café Boat Scheme

The mooring application is still with C&RT, who have promised a decision by 31st August 2017.

If granted there will be two fees to pay.

  1. A Business Licence Fee based on the length of the boat            £641.35 pa
  2. A mooring fee which at this time they are unable to quantify

It was established that we will not be entitled to a discount as a “Butty Boat” because in canal speak “Butty Boat” is one which does not have an engine.  Our boat is a “Café Boat”.

There has been no progress with the renovation and fitting out of the boat as we are waiting to have an “in principal” approval from C&RT following which we will apply for planning consent

JF will speak to his contact at RMBC to check the specific requirements for our planning application

Web Site

JFK hopes to update the website before the next meeting

Date of Next Meeting

Tuesday 19th September 2017

Tuesday 17th October 2017

Tuesday 21st November 2017



Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF