Minutes of the 105th meeting on 20 August 2013.
Minutes of the 105th meeting on 20 August 2013.
Present: John F Kay (Chairman), Cynthia Davis, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John Kershaw, Cllr. Ann Stott, Roger Davis.
1. Minutes of the last meeting (no 104) approved with the following amendments:
In item 3 delete 2.1and 2.2, substitute 3.1and 3.2.
In Item 7 delete 7, substitute 9.
2. Durn Marina.
2.1 Peter Rowlinson (PR) of RMBC is working on projects for Littleborough. No details available.
2.2 No progress on Schofield Street obstruction.
3. Littleborough Volunteer Lengthsman Scheme (Owls).
3.1 Leaflets handed out at Rushbearing detailing the scheme and seeking further Owls. As yet no response. Should anyone know of persons who could be interested kindly advise JFK.
4. Akzo Nobel Site.
4.1 No further news relating to item 4.2 in meeting 103.
4.2 JK advised well in south corner of the site has been filled in. He has the right to use this well and intends to request it be made available. The outlet of the pond is blocked which causes water to escape and block the footpath and partially flood his field. He will also raise this.
5. Canal and Trust – Rochdale Canal Society.
5.1The South Pennine Canal Festival was spread very thinly around Rochdale. Canal Society marginalised in activities.
5.2 Posts have appeared on the canal bank. Does anyone know who put them there?
6. The Roch River Valley Park.
6.1 PR requested JFK to attend a meeting regarding Rochdale-Heywood terms of reference. JFK had pointed out the largest amount of water was the canal. Thought is now being given to changing name to Waterways of Rochdale incorporating Canal.
7. Any Other Business.
7.1 JFK advised in July 2014 it was festival time in Littleborough and the Tour de France was passing through on 6/7. He will contact the owners of the Akzo site regarding the possibility of the site being made available for car parking.
Next meetings: Tuesdays 17 September, 15 October and 19 November 2013. All meetings at 19.30h in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.