Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of the 103rd meeting on 18 June 2013.


Minutes of the 103rd meeting on 18 June 2013.

Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Iain Gerrard, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John Kershaw, Roger Davis.

Apologies for absence: Cynthia Davis, Helen Evans, John F Kay, Cllr Ann Stott.

1. Minutes of last meting (no 102) approved.

2. Durn Marina.
2.1 JFK advised he understood Peter Rowlinson had left the employ of RMBC and he will be in touch with him shortly to ascertain if he could assist with our efforts for the Marina.
2.2. No progress on Schofield Street obstruction.

3.1 The meeting considered we should write to CRT complimenting them on the wild flowers growing in certain areas, also requesting weed killing insecticide, if necessary, is used with discretion.
3.2 Clarification is required regarding “Adoption Scheme” referred to in items 3.4 and 3.7 in minutes 102.

4. Akzo Site.
4.1 The travellers have left the site following legal action by the owners.
4.2 Barry Cropper is writing a detailed synopsis to RMBC regarding the many items not included and conflicting statements in the original report submitted to the Pennines Township Planning Sub-committee.

5 Canal & River Trust. Rochdale Canal Society.
5.1 No details available of the events to be held in the South Pennine Canal Festival.
5.2 No details if any entertainers would cover Littleborough Rush Bearing Festival.
5.3 PE will follow up to ascertain if Jon Stopp has contacted Steve Lister regarding publicity in Littleborough Local covering item 5.1 above.

6. Any Other Business.
6.1 JFK advised Peter Rowlinson has invited him to a meeting at RMBC in connection with “Roch River Valley Park” which would run through Rochdale between Heywood and Littleborough along the full length of the River Roch.
6.2 A constitution is currently being prepared by IG for the Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum to be presented to the next Pennine Township Committee meeting.

7. Next meetings: Tuesdays 16 July, 20 August and 17 September. All meetings at 19.30h in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF