Minutes of the 100th meeting on 19th March 2013.
Minutes of the 100th meeting on 19th March 2013.
Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Jack Fitton, Iain Gerrard, Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw, Cllr Ann Stott, Roger Davis.
Apologies for absence: Katy Bottomley, Cynthia Davis, Helen Evans, Keith Hallam, Barbara Weatherley, Bob Weatherley.
1. Minutes of the last meeting (no 99) approved with the following amendment; delete the word “Parish” substitute the words “Urban District”.
2. Durn Marina.
2.1 JFK had not been able to meet Peter Rowlinson of RMBC.
2.2 No progress on Schofield street obstruction.
2.3 CRT had requested permission to put a trailer in the Council Building and Yard. No information regarding a decision from the council.
3. Owls Scheme.
3.1 As there appears to be no progress regarding the issue of badges JFK feels we shall have to arrange accordingly.
3.2 Training / Induction meeting to be arranged prior to the Canal Festival.
4. Akzo Site.
4.1 RD advised Pennine Township Committee were requested to write to the Borough Solicitor asking her to write to the BBC seeking a copy of the tape that they recorded, in full, of the Planning Sub-Committee meeting on the application.
4.2 No response from the Coal Board to the letter sent by the Planning Manager.
5. Canal and River Trust.
5.1 Various options being investigated regarding Summit Lock House.
5.2 Essential that the date when the canal festival is scheduled to be in Littleborough is advised as soon as possible to enable forward planning to take place. IG pointed out if it was possible that the joint festivities coincided with the farmers market then to avoid detracting one from the other the market might move to Canal Street.
6. Neighbourhood Forum.
6.1 IG advised the letter from the Planning Department was being published as from 20/3 on the RMBC web site. The letter invited residents to comment by answering the questions on a form and sending this to RMBC. The letter seeks agreement to the boundaries for the forum and a reply is requested within a 6 week period from the date of publication. Details of whom and where to contact are stated in the letter.
7. Next meetings: Tuesdays 16 April, 21 May and 18 June. All meetings at 19.30h in the United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.