Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of 75th meeting Tuesday 16 November 2010


Minutes of 75th meeting on Tuesday 16 November 2010.

Present: Cllr Peter Evans (Chairman), Iain Gerrard, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw, Barbara Weatherley, Bob Weatherley, Roger Davis,

1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 74) approved.

2. Matters Arising.
2.1 No details of new Canal committee.
2.2 Mechplant in Schofield Street. PE had meeting with police and is scheduled to have another one. JFK pointed it is illegal to block off a road.
2.3 Ealees Café. No further information to hand.

3. Towpath.
3.1 An e-mail had been received relating to surface in Yorkshire who felt nothing was wrong in using Tarmacdam; they could not understand why a different material was being used in the Rochdale area.

4. Durn Marina.
4.1 Sub committee had met on 2/11 and taken the measurements of the site for the marina.
4.2 Sub committee had met on 9/11 and discussed preliminary details to enable a layout to be prepared in draft format.
4.3 A provisional plan view of the marina site layout and surrounding areas was presented by JFK. This was accompanied with notes by JFK and KH.
4.4 Following constructive discussions the following procedure was unanimously agreed:
JFK will contact Peter Rowlinson (RMBC Head of Planning) to arrange a meeting to discuss the plans followed hopefully with a meeting with the developer. JFK will report at the next meeting.

5. Any Other Business.
5.1 RD advised at Pennines Township Meeting on 9/11 an item under the heading of Littleborough Waterside had been on the agenda. This item specifically excluded the press and public. When he had asked why Mark Robinson (RMBC Manager of Planning) had instructed he should telephone him the following afternoon. The outcome of the call was this covered development of Durn Marina, Ealees, Littleborough Arches and Akzo sites. Housing was referred to.
This relates to Rochdale Scope, details are in the libraries.

5.2 RD will not be available for the next few meetings and IG kindly undertook to write the minutes. Details of who receives these and method of sending were handed to IG and JFK.

6. Next meetings: Tuesday 18 January 2011 and Tuesday 15 February 2011. Both at 19.30h in United Reform Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF