Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Minutes of 66th meeting on Tuesday 19 January 2010


Minutes of 66th meeting on Tuesday 19 January 2010.

Present: Cllr Peter Evans (Chairman), Cynthia Davis, Iain Gerrard, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, Keith Rosbotham, Russell Smith, Barbara Tunstall, Roger Davis.

Apologies for absence: John F Kay, Sue Day (non member, Chair person of Horse Boating Society; apologies through PE).

1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 65) approved.
2. Matters arising.
IG advised Sustrans were intending to Tarmac the towpath from Summit to Walsden. Finance would be by Pennine Prospect. The Civic Trust were against this and considered the material to be used should be crushed stone and would be writing to Sustrans. IG asked if the LCDG would do likewise. Sue Day is against this material and is taking action. There was much discussion on materials and the usage of Bitmac (bitumen mastic), crushed stone with angled drainage to let the water drain through. It was pointed out it was essential to prevent possible damage to the embankment through erosion. RD stated he would not vote for a letter until it was established what material was being used. It was agreed as follows:
PE would contact Ray Smith, Chairman of Friends of Hollingworth Lake, for his comments on materials. Then advise RD.
IG will send RD a CT draft letter with information as to whom he is sending the letter to.
Based on the above RD will prepare a letter for comment.
3. Akzo Site. As there was no further information PE proposed this item should be deleted.
4. Durn Marina. Waiting for an update from JFK.
5. Ealees. As there was no further information and action that could be taken in the current financial year re parking of HGV’s PE proposed this item should be deleted.
6. OtherMatters.
6.1 Waiting information from JFK regarding the government’s plan to sell off the assets of BW.
6.2 PE will attempt to try to ascertain who are the members of the new canal committee set up by the four local authorities.
7. Next meetings. Tuesday 16 February and Tuesday 16 March. Both meetings at 19.30h in United Reform Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.

Post Meeting Information.

As of 30 January I have not received the two documents referred to in item 2. However I have received an e-mail from JFK. I quote the relevant section verbatim:

“ Dear Councillors,

I have been informed that a number of objections were raised to the prospect of a tamac/bitmac surface on the canal towpath, from Littleborough to Warland. Can I state very clearly that the proposed surface is not bitmac or tarmac.

To clarify:
The proposed surface is a chip and tar surface dressing on top of a compacted stone surface. This consists of a normal compacted stone base, on which a thin layer of tar is sprayed. While this is still wet, small stone chippings are laid so that chippings cover the tar and further chippings (deliberately laid in excess) remain loose. The finished resembles a stone surface in appearance and feel, as the tar layer is too thin (a few millimetres) to add any rigidity to the surface. It is slightly crunchy to walk on, as a loose stone surface would be. The tar and chippings form a water seal which greatly extends the working life of the towpath, by reducing the kind of erosion which leads to surface loss, then severe puddles forming and further eroding the surface.

This finish has been used on the Rochdale towpath between Moss Bridge and Clegg Hall Bridge, and in Trafford on the whole Bridgewater Canal towpath. Feedback from users has overwhelmingly positive in both cases. I have received no complaints at all about the Rochdale surface, only requests to extend the treatment.

Please contact me if you have any further queries from the public or organisations. I will be replying to each objection.

Howard Gott, Principal Sustainability Officer, Rochdale MBC”.

This e-mail was sent to Councillors Peter Evans, Wera Hobhouse and Irene Davidson.
Cllr Evans forwarded it to Sue Day and Iain Gerrard.

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF