Minutes of 106th meeting on 17th September 2013
Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Barry Cropper, Bob Furnell, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden. Barry Horner, John F Kay, Bob Weatherley,
Apologies: Roger Davis, Cynthia Davis,
1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 105) approved
2. Durn Marina.
2.1 Peter Rowlinson is still working with a developer but Mechplant are unlikely to include their land
3. Littleborough Volunteer Lengthsman Scheme.
3.1 Bob Furnell wishes to become an OWL
4. Akzo Nobel
4.1 Barry Cropper gave the meeting a detailed report on the present position
4.2 He thought it unlikely that agreement will be given to use it as a car park for the Tour De France festivities in July 2014
4.3 No indication from RMBC regarding a date for the promised public meeting.
5. Next meetings: Tuesdays 15th October, 19th November and 21st January 2014 All at 19.30h in United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.