Minutes - 67th meeting on Tuesday 16 February 2010
Minutes of 67th meeting on Tuesday 16 February 2010.
Present: Cllr Peter Evans (chairman), Cynthia Davis, Sue Day, Iain Gerrard, Keith Hallam, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, John F Kay, Barbara Weatherley, Bob Weatherley, Roger Davis.
Apologies for absence: Barbara Tunstall.
1. Minutes of last meeting (no. 66) approved.
2. Matters arising.
2.1 It was reported that the developer who owns the former Akzo site had gone into receivership. It was agreed this matter be checked and as it would be advisable to keep a watching brief on future developments it should be reinstated as an item.
2.2 IG advised that a revised planning application had been submitted for the Frankfurt Mill site at Durn. The Civic Trust was submitting an objection on various points.
JFK reminded the meeting that BW had promised to notify this group of any item concerning the canal and on this occasion had not done so. It was agreed he would write to BW pointing this out and raise the possibility of their obtaining a 106 agreement for local usage, e.g. a new sanitary station.
2.3 The appointment of a new canal committee does not appear to be particular well organised. Indications are Cllrs. Macmahon and Quinn from Oldham and Clayton from RMBC would be members of the committee. PE will attempt to obtain clarification.
3. Canal Towpath.
SD advised neither Inland Waterways (IWA) nor the Horse Boating Society has been consulted regarding the materials to be used. A consultation was now taking place on the subject of materials. A meeting had been called for 20/2 at Smithy Bridge Train station when a walk on various sections of the canal would take place. Following this a discussion would take place in the local Methodist Church Hall. The attendees at the meeting would include representatives from RMBC, BW, Sustrans plus other organisations who use the canal and the towpath, also members of the general public.
KH showed photographs of the towpath showing large cracks of a renovated towpath which he will present at this meeting.
The section under discussion is from Summit to Waterland with funding coming from Pennine Prospects via RMBC.
Following much discussion it was agreed PE would write to BW highlighting potential problems, copying this to those involved.
4. Other matters.
Due to the length of time spent on item 3 above it was decided that items covering a meeting with Frances Done, Developer interested in Marina, Time extension with BW and Don’t Waste our Water campaign would be held over till the next meeting.
5. Next meetings. Tuesday 16 March and Tuesday 20 April. Both meetings at 19.30h in United Reform Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.
Post meeting Information.
It has been confirmed the developer referred to in item 2.1 above went into administration in August 2009.