Meeting No 141 on Tuesday 15th November 2016
Minutes for Meeting No 141 on Tuesday 15th November 2016 held at Harehill House
Present; Bob Weatherley Peter Evans Peter Hook Barry Horner Keith Hallam Ann Stott Ian Jackson Brian Holden Jon Stopp Julian Farnell
Apologies for Absence; John F Kay
- Minutes of the meeting on 18th October 2016 ( No 140) Accepted
- Matters arising if not on main agenda; None
- Littleborough Civic Trust; Update; Peter Hook advised nothing to report at this time
- Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum; Peter Hook advised that this group had not met for a while, and that may not meet again until January 2017.
- Durn Marina ( in absence of John Kay)
Ann Stott and Peter Hook both advised there has been no recent movement yet on this project, but to await further feedback from John Kay at the next meeting which will be in January 2017.
- Canal & River Trust
a) update on Volunteer Schemes; Jon Stopp advised that Littleborough Canal Adoption Group is not part of us (LCDG).
He further added that as there has been no continuing support for this scheme within the Littleborough corridor of the canal that the C&RT has taken the decision to suspend support for this group until any further resurgence of interest.
Author’s note; It may be a point for consideration that the instigator of the Canal Adoption Group ( Bob Furnell ) should in some way be formally advised of the decisions advisued within this meeting ?
- Canal Side Café at EALEES
Peter Hook advised the meeting that this scheme is nothing to do with the Civic Trust, and should therefore be taken off future agendas for LCDG.
As of am today (Tuesday 15th November) Peter Hook has advised Bob Furnell not to attend tonight’s and future meetings of LCDG.
Moreover the Civic Trust would object to any Planning Application for the Canal Side Café on the vacant land at Canal Street, Littleborough, owned by B &E Boys, and that this project “is now nothing to do with us” ( LCT and LCDG).
- Tour Boat Scheme
- This section heading should now be re phrased as the decision has been taken not to operate the boat as a trip boat but merely as a permanently moored Snack Boat.
Julian Farnell needs to discuss the development of the project with Joh Kay, likewise further contact with RMBC regarding a Trading Licence and C&RT regarding Application for a permanent mooring, with verification of nature of Licence under which the boat will be operated. (ie Leisure or Trading).
A moorings officer from the C&RT would have to determine this status
Nick Andrews of LCT may have knowledge of funding/grant sources available. Peter Evans suggested Pennine Prospects, likewise Ann Stott mentioned Crook Hill may also have funding grants to which we could apply.
Peter Hook suggested that it would be ideal also in advance of any grant applications to prepare a business plan.
Ian Jackson also referred to another group named Littleborough Prosecution Society that has been going for about 140 years, and awards funding annually to local groups/organisations. Ian also advised that he has put forward our group for consideration.
Ann Stott also advised that delegated funding for each township is available.
8 Akzo Nobel; No further action or information at this time
- Any Other Business
- Peter Evans proposed that we hold to the current arrangement that there will be no meeting in December.
Should the need arise, before the next meeting in January, matters could discussed under a sub group meeting
- Ian Jackson advised “Bob Furnell has to be dis- associated from the Boat project”.
- Bob Furnell holds a key for the padlock that gives access to the Durn storage site, and this key should be surrendered, or a new padlock fitted.
Next Meetings;
Tuesday 17th January 2017
Tuesday 21st February 2017
Tuesday 21st March 2017