Littleborough Canalside Development Group Prize Winning Site

Meeting held the 21st February 2017

Minutes of the 143rd Meeting held the 21st February 2017 at Hare Hill House Littleborough at 7.30pm


 Peter Evans, Julian Farnell, Brian Holden, Barry Horner, Ian Jackson, John F Kay, Jon Stopp,  Bob Weatherley, 

Apologies.   Cllr Ann Stott JP, Keith Hallam, Cllr Janet Emsley


The minutes of the meeting on 17th January 2017 had been circulated.  Bob Weatherly pointed out that he had prepared minutes for the meetings on 18th October and 15th November 2016 and emailed them to JFK. He apologised for this error

Littleborough Civic Trust

Ian Jackson reported that his efforts to organise a meeting with the Littleborough Historical and Archaeological Society had not been successful. It is understood that U3A may have a speaker’s spot on 8th May 2017 and JFK will try to obtain this for LCDG.

Durn Marina

There had been no expressions of interest in the Council’s land at Durn. We do not know whether our suggestion that the land should be advertised as a possible site for a marina rather than just residential has been taken up.

Canal & River Trust

John Stopp reported that efforts were under way to promote a “Towpath Task Force” which would be run, managed and marketed by the Canal & River Trust.

The “Towpath Task Force” would cover the tow path between Summit and Lock 50.

Anyone interested in joining the “Towpath Task Force” should email Steve O’Sullivan.  He is away at present so we don’t know what interest there is.  Ian Jackson has offered to be the local contact point

Boat Scheme

  1. A letter to the Canal & Rivers Trust has been placed with Jon Stopp who will over the next two weeks have informal discussions with those who will make a decision.
  2. When we have their advice a formal application will be submitted. We must decide which organisation will apply as it may be confusing if more than one is involved. The cost of the application will be £90.00
  3. An application will then be made to Rochdale MBC for planning consent. Ben Sandover of the council has indicated there should be no problems with this – Cost £400.00
  4. Julian Farnell will prepare a specification and quotation for the work to be done on the boat. It was agreed that the main power source would be gas with lighting on battery power rather than using a generator.
  5. This would enable standard equipment to be purchased. This can be accurately costed.
  6. An application could then be made to the Pennine Township for funding towards this.
  7. Enquiries need to be made about the best products to be sold from the boat
  8. We are probably looking at a time scale to have the boat ready for use in spring 2018
  9. We will need to seek volunteers from the community to work on the boat in autumn 2017. They will then need to have suitable training over the winter
  10. JFK has sorted matters with Bob Furnell.  The total which he raised towards the boat was £1,222.72 which after expenses left a net sum of £1,103.82. This sum was now in the Littleborough Civic Trust Account and Bob Furnell’s Account with the Halifax had been closed
  11. The total now held towards the Boat was £1,853.82.
  12. JFK will now check insurance cover for the Boat which will increase in value once work starts
  13. A detailed discussion took place about how the boat should be fitted out. Julian Farnell and Bob Weatherby will have further discussion before the next meeting

Akzo Nobel Site

There is now a developer who has shown interest in taking this site on. We have no further details but as it adjoins the canal it should be kept under review

Dates of next meetings to be held at Hare Hill House commencing at 7.30pm

Tuesday 21st March 2017 , Tuesday 18th April 2017 and Tuesday 16th May 2017

Contact Information

Littleborough Canalside Development Group

Bent House Cottage
Halifax Road
OL15 0JB

Tel: 01706 376775

Meeting times

Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday each month starting at 7.30pm

The group is now meeting at 

Hare Hill House, Hare Hill Park Littleborough OL15 9HF