Meeting held on Tuesday 18th March 2014
Minutes of 111th meeting on 18th March 2014
Present: Peter Evans (Chairman), Keith Hallam, Barry Horner, John F Kay, John Kershaw, Ken Rosbotham, John Kershaw, Iain Gerrard, Bob Furnell, Jon Stopp Apologies: Ann Stott, Brian Holden
1. Minutes of 18th February 2014 meeting (no. 110) were approved
2. Discussion took place about 2.1 Durn Marina.
2.2 Littleborough Volunteer Lengthsman Scheme
2.3 Akzo Nobel Site
2.4 The Tour De France Littleborough festivals.
2.5 The Roch River Valley Park Project
2.6 Littleborough Neighbourhood Forum
7. Next meetings: Tuesdays 15th April 2014 and 20th May 2014, 17 June 2014. All at 19.30h in United Reformed Church, Victoria Street, Littleborough.