Meeting 16th May 2017
Littleborough Canalside Development Group
Minutes of the 146th Meeting held the 16thMay 2017 at Hare Hill House Littleborough at 7.30pm
Keith Hallam, Barry Horner, Brian Holden, Ian Jackson, John F Kay, Bob Weatherley,
Apologies. Julian Farnell, Jon Stopp
Littleborough Civic Trust
Ian Jackson updated the meeting on work being done by Littleborough Civic Trust.
Durn Marina
No Progress
Canal & River Trust
Nothing to report
Café Boat Scheme
The draft application to the Canal & River Trust for a Licence as discussed in detail.
Ian Jackson will give Jon Stopp a copy on Thursday for his comment and guidance
Akzo Nobel Site
Nothing to repost
Dates of next meetings to be held at Hare Hill House commencing at 7.30pm
Tuesday 20th June 2017
Tuesday 18th July 2017
Tuesday 15th August 2017