Weekly Events
Special events, such as workshops, will be posted on the group regularly, but our regular weekly events are as follows:
Mon: 2~ 6pm - Private Readings * (with our Senior Minister)
Tue:: 2 ~ 4pm - Healing Clinic **
Tue: 7.30 ~ 9pm - Meditation & Mediumship Class *** (summer months only)
Fri: 2 ~ 4pm - Open Development Circle ***(winter months only)
Sat: 1~ 3pm - Private Readings * (if we have a visiting medium)
Sun: 1st & 3rd monthly SUMMER 6.30pm, WINTER 3pm - DIVINE SERVICE **
( Our Divine Services always include a demonstration of mediumship either from our Senior Minister, visiting Mediums or occasionally our student Mediums)
* charges apply, ** entry by donation ***£1 entry
All proceeds go exclusively to our outreach work in the Kirkholt and wider area, or occasionally paying travelling expenses to visiting Mediums kind enough to serve our platform.