Rochdale Inner Wheel Club

President's Trip to RHS Bridgewater

President Janice organised a trip to the new RHS Bridgewater in the heart of Greater Manchester on September 23rd. It was well attended and enjoyed by everyone. Although we are in Autumn there were many plants to see. I am sure we will be having another trip next year when it will be even more established.

Contact Information

Inner Wheel Club of Rochdale

Meeting times

We meet every 4th Wednesday of the month for a meal followed by the formal meeting, including fund raising planning and often a speaker. 6.30pm for 7.00 pm  at the Royal Toby.

We have four Executive meetings a year, a Charity Lunch every year, held at the Bellavista usually in May, and a monthly Book Club. We also have various fundraising events throughout the year.

Secretary  Nichola Helliwell
