Heywood Bowling Club



Message from Neville White Secretary HBC

The club has recently had two separate incidents of large tree branches falling within the club grounds

We have requested a specialised tree surgeon to carry out a complete risk assessment on all our trees and the report back is not good news

The report suggests that all trees have succumbed to Canker disease 

There are 9 very large trees that require felling and three that are in need of trimming but cannot be guaranteed against future breakages

Therefore we have taken the decision to have all 12 trees felled to ensure safety for our members and their children

We hope to have works carried out ASAP however we are in the hands of the specialists as to when they can carry out the tree removals

We ask that all members stay out of the cordoned off areas surrounding the clubs green and ask parents NOT to allow their children anywhere near the green or play area until we have rectified this situation

We are in liaison with the Rochdale council regarding some of their trees within the park that may overhang our perimeter and await their response

The cost of this work to the clubs finances is considerable but necessary and we ask all members to try and support us by using the club as much as possible in the forth coming months 


Contact Information

Heywood Bowling Club

Queens Park Road
OL10 4UY

Tel: 01706 369850

Meeting times



Tuesday CLOSED

Wednesday CLOSED

Thursday 16.00 to 23.00

Friday 16.00 to 23.00

Saturday 15.00 to 23.00

Please refer to Front window and TV in bar for updates to opening times on Saturdays and Sundays 

Sunday 14.00 to 22.00

All closing times subject to staff discretion within licensing laws

Where we are

(click to zoom)