Friends of Denehurst Park

The Denehurst Trolls

Four cheeky trolls have set up home in Denehurst Park. The stone characters have hidden themselves by the two bridges, nestled between the rocks and plants.

Over the 2017 – 2018 school year Rochdale Council ran a creative writing competition with pupils from Meanwood and Caldershaw Primary Schools. The children were taught the story of ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and given the task of writing a poem or story about the arrival of the trolls in the park. The winning creative writing piece from each school was then turned into a plaque and installed as part of the feature for all park visitors to enjoy. 

Mrs Quigley the Class 3 teacher at Meanwood School said: “The children’s imagination has been greatly captured by the two cute characters. They’ve developed close personal connections with the trolls which has been a fantastic stimulus for their creative writing.”

The students grew so attached to the new trolls that they even named them. Why not look out for Pickles, Treestomper, Nail Chomper and Nose Nibbler. Visit the park and see if you can work out who is who!

The sizable boulders which adorn both bridges were locally sourced from Scout Moor Quarry in Norden, creating quite a picturesque setting (and better home for the trolls). Over 240 iris and marsh marigold plants have been planted around the ‘Monet’ styled bridges. Both are wetland loving plants and add even more colour to the park. The wetland swale which connects both bridges has also been planted with meadowsweet and purple loose strife, which are both wildflowers and thrive in wet conditions.

Below are the two poems in full...


There’s a troll in Denehurst Park, who hides in the stream,

If you drop your litter, he will become very mean.

There’s a troll in Denehurst Park, who’s camouflaged in trees,

If you pick all the leaves, the troll will give you fleas.

There’s a troll in Denehurst Park, who hides under the slide,

 If you spit chewing gum, the troll will be your bride.

There’s a troll in Denehurst Park, who lives under the bridge,

If you stamp hard on it, he’ll put you in his fridge.

There’s a troll in Denehurst Park, he sits near to the swings,

 If you tangle the chains, he’ll steal you precious things.

There’s a troll in Denehurst Park, he keeps it nice and clean,

He cares for everyone, makes sure the grass is green.


   -  Caldershaw Primary School Year 4 Class



Once upon a time, there were two, cute trolls and they were both cheeky and mischievous with a happy life until the billy goat arrived. They were sensible but they were a bit grumpy. They were very small they were as big as monkeys. They were cute, little fellows.

These fellows had a stony skin. How amazing is that?! Did you know that Treestomper and Pickles had elf-like ears which meant they were really good at hearing?  They had a big, chubby head that was like a potato! Pickles had a smiling mouth that had a baby tooth. If you went into his nose you would get lost in the nostrils! Treestomper and Pickles had bald heads and underneath they had bushy eyebrows like moustaches. Their legs were as heavy as bricks. Pickles always picked his nose and Treestomper was picking out earwax.

The two, stony trolls had lived happily under an old, rickety bridge, which was in the mountains, that were as tall as giants. On the hillside, was a cascading stream and it was underneath the silver bridge which was arching over the stream. Beside the solid bridge, was a beautiful, wide meadow. It was as cold as ice cubes up there! Brrr! Sadly for the creatures, at all hours, an annoying billy goat banged at their roof. Pickles and Treestomper didn’t like that home.

“Why are you making such a racket on my rickety bridge?” asked Pickles angrily.

“I’m crossing this dirty, old bridge to get to the juicy grass so get out of my way chubby troll,” snarled a billy goat that had very sharp horns!

“Don’t be so rude or we’ll definitely have to eat you,” joked Treestomper.

The massive Billy Goat Gruff pawed at the old, rickety bridge and pretended to bow down at them threatingly. Pickles was scared so he sprang up and then hid behind his chubby arms. Treestomper stood up fiercely and stared at the billy goat. The Billy Goat Gruff charged up to the poor, little trolls and head-butted them.  They splashed into the cascading stream.

Those harmless trolls bumped into hard rocks and couldn’t even remember their old names. They ended up in a dark wood with green trees. They thought they were lost! They didn’t know what to do. They saw a fairy and they heard there were new bridges in a park.

Those two trolls had travelled for ages and they were chased by a cat. Finally, they made it to Denehurst Park but it took several hours.

Pickles and Treestomper waddled like penguins into the lovely Denehurst Park. In the park, they could see a wooden bridge arching over a rivulet of water. In the park was a sandy stone path which was crunchy. In the background they could see a nest in the tallest tree.

The trolls loved their new home so Pickles and Treestomper went to the playground and played there. Pickles quite liked the swings and Treestomper always went on the baby swings. They definitely wanted to live there and if you’re really quiet you might be able to see them. They’re still living there now.      


Meanwood Primary School Year 3 Class


Please see below for images of the new landscape from construction to completion




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Friends of Denehurst Park

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