Programme for 2013
March 14th Will changes to Health Care affect Diabetes? Lesley Mort and Dr Sonal Sharma (HMR Clinical Commissioning Group)
April 11th What to expect at your Annual Review Denise Taylor, Practice Nurse
May 9th Walking for Health - Mickie Pearson
June 13th DESMOND Education Program for people with Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes Specialist Nurses
July 11th Your medications explained - Julie Hill, Pharmacist
August 8th Transformation of Health and Care Services - Nicola Onley - Healthier Together Team
September 12th (To be Arranged)
October 10th Taking Care fo your Liver and Kidneys Dr Chris Babbs and Dr Susan Babbs
November 14th Care of your Feet - Carolyn Ryder, Podiatric Team
December 12th AGM