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Clergy: Revd Richard Bradley
Service Times
Sunday 10.30am Family Worship
Our young people from our Junior Church leave us half way through morning worship for their own groups. We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st Sunday of each month as part of our Sunday Morning service.
Creche facilities are available . efreshments Refreshments and Traid Craft goods are available after the service.
Sunday 6.00 pm Evening Worship
We celebrate Holy Communion on the 3rd Sunday evening each month.
Description of Church
Traditional Christian Worship, part of the United Reformed Church, a local Church which has witnessed to the community for 210 years. Our Organist and Choir or music group called Lifeline assist our Minister in leading worship.
Regular Activities
Sundays Youth Fellowships
Monday Morning, Monday Gang and Pastoral Care groups
Mondays Afternoon Bridge Club
Monday Evenings 7.30 p.m. Prayer group.
Second Tuesday of each month October to March Lunchtime Concert
Tuesday afternoons, Short Mat Indoor Bowls
Tuesdays Ladybirds, Brownies & Guides
Tuesdays 7.00pm Choir Practise
Tuesdays Mixed Badminton
Wednesdays Luncheon Club
Wednesday evening Boy's Brigade for various ages.
Second Thursday evening monthly, Ladies Fellowship
Drama Group, please enquire
Ladies Badminton & Tennis Club, please enquire
Bible Study, please enquire
For details relating to any of these activities do not hesitate to contact the Minister on 01706 369622 or Church Secretary, Anne Fitton on 01706 641403.
or visit our website www.bamfordchapel.co.uk