Edwin Waugh Dialect Society


Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from October to June, commencing at 7.30 pm at St Andrew's Methodist Chapel, Entwisle Road, Rochdale, OL12 2HZ (B6266 road) - between Rochdale Sports Centre and Aldi.

Voluntary donations at each meeting help defray the cost of the room hire. The annual subscription of £10 is due at the October meeting.

The usual format for meetings is: -

A welcome to all from the evening's Chairman, a rendition of Edwin Waugh's song "A Lift on the Way",  followed by a reading of a poem or extract from one of Waugh's works by a pressed volunteer and then the 'parish notices' from the Secretary.
Members are entertained by a speaker or a performer.  Sometimes this is a guest speaker, often it is one or more members.  
A vote of thanks is given and then there is a second Waugh song,  the most appropriate "Toddlin' Whoam".
After this, the immortal words of our previous President, Jack Lye, "Tha con aw pike off whoam neaw!" end the evening at about 9.00 pm. 

There are two additional meetings each year :-

On the TUESDAY following the MARCH MEETING, a "suppering do", a traditional potato pie supper, is held  to celebrate Edwin Waugh's birthday.
Trophies won at the annual writing competitions are presented,  followed by entertainment .
Booking is essential.
Doubtless someone will spot that the Waugh's birthday supper is in March and yet Edwin Waugh was born on 29th January 1817.  Consider it our version of an "official birthday".  Due to some members coming from quite a distance to the supper,  many moons ago it was decided that, as the weather is usually better in March than January,  the meeting should be moved to March. 

On the THIRD SATURDAY in JULY, a concert in the afternoon is followed by a traditional Sunday School Tea. 
Again, booking is essential.

Both of the above events are at held atThrum Hall Methodist Church, Thrum Hall Lane, OL12 6DE.
Thrum Hall Lane is sharp left about a mile up Whitworth Road in the direction of Whitworth, from Rochdale. There is free onsite parking.

Waugh's Well Walk  

For many years there has been an annual walk, to Waugh's Well.   In good weather it is a lovely walk;  in a howling gale and heavy rain it ain't so pleasant,  though it is still very bracing and there is a real sense of achievement once done. 

We set off from Gincroft Lane, Edenfield, and stop every 15 minutes for a poem or a song,  following the old wagon road and tramways on top before enjoying a picnic lunch at Fo' Edge.  At the well,  there are more readings and  songs by the walkers and others who have gathered there to await their arrival,  before descending on the Coal Road via Dearden Clough, again stopping every 15 minutes.
Some years ago, after the walk there was a tea at a nearby chapel. Then the tea moved to Jarvis Street Chapel and was followed by an evening concert by and for the walkers and other members who came after tea. 
As there came a time when some of the current members felt a bit too doddering to do justice to both walk and the concert, the format was changed again.   The walkers head back to a hostelry for beer, food, music and song after the walk. The concert and tea take place on a different day - the third Saturday in July meeting referred to above.  
Sadly,  John Taylor,  who led the walk  for many years, died in 2011.  Sid Calderbank, of stage and television fame, has led the walk since 2013.

Link to Edwin Waugh Dialect Syllabus

Contact Information

Edwin Waugh Dialect Society

St Andrew's Methodist Chapel
Entwisle Road
OL12 2HZ

Mobile: 07773 710325